Cards (18)

  • Anthropology
    Social services
    Political science
    These are the domains of UCSP
  • Archeologist
    • A person who studies human history and pre history through the excavation of sites.
  • Social science
    • Studies of human societies and the relationship among individuals within those societies.
    • Aims to provide solutions to social problems.
  • Anthropology
    Humans studying humans, promotes a holistic study of humans
  • Anthropology
    Derived from two Greek words: antropos (human) and logos (study), seeks to answer the primary question: What does it mean to be human?
  • Anthropology
    • Studies the origins, culture, societies, and biology of humans
  • Five Subfields of Anthropology
    • Archeology
    • Cultural anthropology
    • Linguistic anthropology
    • Physical anthropology
    • Applied anthropology
  • Anthropology
    • It is holistic in the sense that it studies humans, both as biological and social creatures, human behavior from the time the species existed to the time that it will desist, human behavior from all regions of the world, and all forms of human actions and beliefs
  • Sociology
    The scientific study of society, seeks to understand the structure of a society and how it works
  • Subfields of Sociology
    • Social Organization
    • Social Psychology
    • Social Change and Disorganization
    • Human Ecology
    • Population or Demography
    • Applied Sociology
  • Society
    A group of individuals sharing a common culture, geographical location, and government, enables individuals to acquire necessary survival skills, maximize their potential, and share resources
  • Elements of Society
    • Social Solidarity
    • Shared Identity
    • A Common Language
    • A large population and the ability to sustain
    • Definite Geographical Area
    • Political, Economic, and Social Organization
  • Culture
    A set of beliefs, ideas, values, practices, knowledge, history, shared experiences, attitudes, as well as material objects and possessions accumulated over time and shared by the members of society
  • Primary Categories of Culture
    • Material Culture
    • Non-material Culture
  • Material Culture
    • Physical or tangible objects produced, shared, and utilized within society (Clothes, music, food, tools, paintings, weaponry, toys, architectural styles, etc.)
  • Non-material Culture
    • Intangible properties and elements of society (Language, beliefs, values, attitudes, ideas, norms, community stories & narratives)
  • Vital Components of Culture
    • Symbols
    • Language
  • The emergence of language was brought about by the gradual shift from the hunting-and-gathering lifestyle to a more settled agricultural lifestyle