Cards (8)

  • Sociology
    • the study of human behaviour in societal context.
    • the study of society.
  • Subfields Of Sociology
  • 1. Social organization- involves the study on social structure such as institution, social groups, social satisfaction, social mobility, and ethnic groups.
  • 2. Social psychology- studies impact of group life to a person's nature and personalities.
  • 3. Social change and disorganization- is the branch of sociology that inquires on the shift in social and cultural interactions and the interruption of its process through delinquency, deviance, and conflict.
  • 4. Human ecology- pursues studies that relate human behaviour to existing social institution.
  • 5. Population and demography- inquires on the interrelationship between population characteristics and dynamics with that if a political , economic, and social system.
  • 6. Applied sociology- uses sociological research and methods to solve contemporary problems. It often uses an interdisciplinary approach to better address social problems.