Affects the amount of leaching that takes place in the soil and the speed with which soil horizons develop, temperature (as the mean annual temperature increases, the weathering of rocks and minerals in the soil will be faster, for every 10 °C rise in temperature, the rate of biochemical reactions doubles, tropical soils will weather faster because of faster chemical reactions which can occur throughout the year), rainfall (areas with more rainfall will have greater weathering and greater leaching, leaching occurs when water moves through the soil and removes the soluble constituents, soluble silica and bases are leached out to give rise to soils high in kaolinite and sesquioxides, water is an agent of erosion and deposition of soil materials, at optimum levels, water facilitates decomposition of organic matter, cool and wet areas will have more leaching than hot and wet areas, in areas with low rainfall, silica and basic cations like Ca, Mg, Na and K accumulate and form monmorillonitic soils, hot and dry areas have slower soil formation resulting to a shallow solum)