Cards (15)

  • Natural selection - those individuals of a species that are best adapted survive and reproduce; fuels evolution
  • Adaptive behaviors - promotes an organism's survival in the natural habitat
  • Evolutionary Psychology - importance of adaptation, reproduction, and "survival of the fittest" in shaping behavior
  • Biology allows a broad range of cultural possibilities - Stephen Jay Gould
  • Genetic information is all of the information stored in our DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid (Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine)
  • Gene - sequence of genetic information that contains the building instructions for a specific protein
  • A cell nucleus contains a number of strands (Chromosomes - by pairs)
  • 22 pairs of chromosomes - Women (X), Men (XY)
  • Alleles - different versions of genes
  • Behavior genetics - concerned with the influence of heredity and environment on individual differences in human traits and development
  • Scarr's heredity-environment correlation - Passive, Evocative, Active (niche-picking)
  • Heredity directs the types of environments that children experience, the 3 genotype-environment correlations changes as children develop
  • Shared environmental experiences are families' common experiences or intellectual orientation
  • Nonshared environment experiences - child's unique experiences that are not shared with other children
  • Epigenetic view - the environment can influence gene expression without changing the DNA sequence