Cards (13)

  • Pronoun - a word that replaces a noun in a sentence.
  • Personal Pronoun - refers to persons speaking (first person), the persons spoken to (second person), and the persons/things spoken about (third person).
  • First Person Pronouns Include:
    A) us
    B) mine
  • Second Person Pronouns Include:
    A) you
    B) yours
  • Third Person Pronouns Include:
    A) they
    B) it
    C) him
    D) her
    E) its
  • Intensive and Reflexive Pronouns - are compound personal pronouns that end in the suffix SELF in the singular and SELVES in the plural.
    A) yourself
    B) themselves
    C) ourselves
  • Intensive Pronoun - used for emphasis or reinforcement. (I MYSELF am working on improving my weakness)
  • Reflexive Pronoun - the action indicated goes back to the subject. (Adelle is making HERSELF a sandwich)
  • Demonstrative Pronoun - directs attention or points a specific person, place, or thing.
    • THIS points at singular persons or objects while THESE points at plural persons or objects near the speaker. (THIS is my favorite food, THESE are my cousins)
    • THAT points at singular persons or objects while THOSE points at plural persons or objects near the speaker. (THAT is my favorite food, THOSE ladies are my cousins)
  • Relative Pronoun
    • Used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun.
    • A connecting word to another idea in the same sentence.
    • It includes: who, whom, that, which, whose, where, and when.
  • Interrogative Pronoun - used to ask questions. (what, which, who, whom, and whose)
  • Indefinite Pronoun - a pronoun that does not refer to any person, amount, or thing in particular. (Everybody, much, neither, and someone)
  • Reciprocal Pronoun - a pronoun that indicates mutual interchange of action—that is two or more people are carrying out or have carried out an action of some type, with both receiving the same benefits or consequences of that action simultaneously.
    • Each Other - refers to an interchange of action between two people.
    • One Another - refers to more than two people.