Subdecks (3)

Cards (107)

  • Binary Tree

    Every node has at most two children<|>Each child node is labeled as being either a left child or a right child<|>Both subtrees (left subtree and right subtree) are themselves binary trees
  • Binary Tree
    • Full binary tree: each node is either a leaf or has exactly two children
    • Complete binary tree: all levels, except possibly the last level, are completely full, and the last level has all its nodes to the left side
  • Theorem: Let T be a binary tree. For every h ≥ 0, there are no more than 2^h leaves in level h.
  • Theorem: A perfect binary tree of height h has 2^(h+1) - 1 nodes.
  • The number of nodes n in a complete binary tree is between 2^k (minimum) and 2^(h+1) -1 (maximum)
  • Representing binary tree with array
    A choice for a complete or almost complete binary tree<|>Root always in the array[0]<|>If parent is at array[i], then left child at array[2i+1] and right child at array[2i+2]<|>If data for a non-root appears in array[i], then its parent is at location [(i-1)/2]
  • Representing binary tree with linked list
    A good choice if the binary tree is not complete or almost complete<|>Every node has two pointers: llink points to the root node of the left subtree, rlink points to the root node of the right subtree
  • Typical binary tree operations
    • Determine if binary tree is empty
    • Search binary tree for a particular item
    • Insert an item in the binary tree
    • Delete an item from the binary tree
    • Find the height of the binary tree
    • Find the number of nodes in the binary tree
    • Find the number of leaves in the binary tree
    • Copy the binary tree
    • Traverse the binary tree
  • Binary tree traversal algorithms
  • btree
    Binary Tree
  • Representing Binary Tree with Linked List
  • Node of a binary tree
    Stores data in info
    Has a pointer to the left child in llink
    Has a pointer to the right child in rlink
  • Root node
    A pointer to the root node is stored outside the binary tree in a pointer variable, usually called the root, of type binaryTreeNode
  • Typical Binary Tree Operations
    • Determine if binary tree is empty
    Search binary tree for a particular item
    Insert an item in the binary tree
    Delete an item from the binary tree
    Find the height of the binary tree
    Find the number of nodes in the binary tree
    Find the number of leaves in the binary tree
    Copy the binary tree
    Traverse the binary tree
  • Binary Tree Traversal Algorithms
    • Inorder traversal
    Preorder traversal
    Postorder traversal
  • Binary Tree Traversal
    Start at the root node
    For each node, choose to either visit the node first or visit the subtrees first
  • Inorder Traversal
    Left, root, right
  • Inorder Traversal Sequence
    • D, G, B, E, A, C, H, F
  • Preorder Traversal
    Root, left, right
  • Postorder Traversal
    Left, right, root
  • Postorder Traversal Sequence
    • G, D, E, B, H, F, C, A
  • To summarise, the three traversal algorithms are:
  • Given the preorder and inorder sequences of a binary tree, we can draw the binary tree
  • Binary Search Tree (BST)
    A special kind of binary tree where:
    • Every node's data is larger than the data in its left child
    • Every node's data is smaller than the data in its right child
  • Typical BST Operations
    • Search the BST for a particular item
    Insert an item in the BST
    Delete an item from the BST
    Find the height of the BST
    Find the number of nodes in the BST
    Find the number of leaves in the BST
    Traverse the BST
    Copy the BST
  • Search an Item in BST
    Traverse the tree from root to left recursively until left is NULL
    The minimum value is the node whose left node is NULL
    Traverse the tree from root to right recursively until right is NULL
    The maximum value is the node whose right node is NULL
  • Insert in BST
    See code function insert, pp. 6201-621
  • Draw a Binary Search Tree
    • 45
  • Different sequences will generate different BSTs
  • Delete an Element in BST
    Consider four cases:
    1. The node to be deleted is a leaf - just delete it
    2. The node to be deleted has no left child but it has a right child - replace it with its right child
    3. The node to be deleted has no right child but it has a left child - replace it with its left child
    4. The node to be deleted has both children (left and right nodes) - replace it with the minimum element from its right subtree or the maximum element from its left subtree
  • Time Complexity of BST Operations