oop c1

Cards (16)

  • Object
    A person, place or thing (a noun)
  • Method

    An action performed by an object (a verb)
  • Attribute
    Description of objects in a class
  • Class
    A category of similar objects (such as automobiles), does not hold any values of the object's attributes
  • Object
    • Has state - descriptive characteristics
    • Has behaviors - what it can do (or what can be done to it)
  • State
    The descriptive characteristics of an object
  • Behavior

    What an object can do or what can be done to it
  • Class
    The blueprint of an object, uses methods to define the behaviors of the object, represents a concept
  • Object
    The embodiment of a concept represented by a class, an instance of a class
  • Characteristics/concepts of OOP
    • Abstraction
    • Encapsulation
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
    Designing classes by focusing only on the important facts about the problem at hand
  • Encapsulation
    All data members (fields) of a class are declared private, some methods may be private too
  • Inheritance
    Ability to create new classes from existing classes
  • Polymorphism
    One single statement is used as a call to various methods, the exact method to be called is only known during runtime
  • Object-oriented programming languages can be pure OO (Smalltalk, Eiffel, Actor, Java) or hybrid OO (C++, Objective-C, Object-Pascal)
  • Review: Introduction to Object Orientation
    • What are the four basic principles of object orientation? Provide a brief description of each.
    • What is an Object and what is a Class? What is the difference between them?
    • What is an Attribute?
    • What is an Operation?
    • What is inheritance?
    • What is polymorphism?
    • Describe the strengths of object orientation.