science biology Q1

Cards (21)

  • cardiovascular system- transport system of the body
  • it comprises- blood, heart, and blood vessels
  • the system supplies nutrients and to removes waste products from various tissue in the body
  • functions of cardio vascular/ circulatory system transport nutrients, hormones, Remove wastes products, gaseous exchange, immunity, blood vessels transport blood, hearts pumps blood through blood vessels
  • components of cardiovascular system- blood, heart, blood vessels
  • The blood: blood cells and plasma
  • blood cells: erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes
  • plasma- is fluid
  • heart is a four chambered, hollow, muscular organ
  • heart is approximately a size of your fist
  • functions of the heart- generating blood pressure, routing blood, heart separates pulmonary and systemic circulation, ensuring one way blood flow, regulating blood supply
  • blood vessels- a closed network of tubes, theses includes: arteries, capillaries, veins
  • blood vessels- a closed network of tubes
  • blood vessels- a closed network of tubes
  • arteries- distributing channel
  • arteries has a thick walls, elastic fibers, circular smooth muscle
  • capillaries- microscopic vessels
  • capillaries has a one cell thick and serves the respiratory system
  • veins- draining channel
  • general structure of veins - tunica intima, tunica media, tunica adventitia
  • classifications of blood vessels- conducting vessels, distributing vessels, resistance vessels, exchange vessels, capacitance/ reservoir vessels