Macroscopic types of bone tissue
- Most dense form, therefore appears brighter on radiography.
- The 'outer' layer, the 'cortex'.
• Cancellous (aka Spongy or Trabecular)
- Less dense, therefore appears darker on radiography.
- Form the trabeculae of bone, surrounded by bone marrow.• Good combination of lightness and strength.
- NOT a type of bone tissue or an empty cavity!
• Periosteum (peri=around; osteum=bone).
- Tough covering of dense connective tissue that surrounds the outside of the bone surface.
• Endosteum (endo=inside).
- Thin membrane lying in between the medullary cavity and cancellous bone.
• Hyaline cartilage, highly specialised form of supportive connective tissue, lines the bones at joint surfaces.