The model for any minimum-cost flow problem is represented by a network with flow passing through it
Each node where the net amount of flow generated (outflow minus inflow) is a fixed positive number
Supply node
Each node where the net amount of flow generated is a fixed negative number
Demand node
Any node where the net amount of flow generated is fixed at zero
Transshipment node
The amount of flow out of the node equal the amount of flow into thenode
Conservation of flow
The arrows in the network are called arcs
The maximum amount of flow allowed through an arc is referred to as the capacity of that arc
T/F: The network has enough arcs with sufficient capacity to enable all the flow generated at the supply nodes to reach all the demand nodes
T/F: The cost of the flow through each arc is proportional to the amount of that flow, where the cost per unit flow is known
A minimum-cost flow problem will have feasible solutions if and only if the sum of the supplies from its supply nodes equals the sum of thedemands at its demand nodes
The Feasible Solutions Property
As long as all the supplies, demands, and arc capacities have integer values, any minimum-cost flow problem with feasible solutions is guaranteed to have an optimal solution with integer values for all its flow quantities

The Integer Solutions Property
All flow through the network originates at one node, called the source, and terminates at one other node, called the sink
A streamlined version of the simplex method for solving minimum-cost flow problems very efficiently
Network Simplex method
A special type of minimum-cost flow problem where there are no capacity constraints on the arcs
Transshipment problem
The node for a maximum flow problem at which all flow through the network originates
The node for a maximum flow problem at which all flow through the network terminates
A channel through which flow may occur in either direction between a pair of nodes, shown as a line between the nodes
The node at which travel through the network is assumed to start for a shortest path problem
The node at which travel through the network is assumed to end for a shortest path problem
The number (typically a distance, a cost, or a time) associated with including the link or arc in the selected path for a shortest path problem
Length of a link or arc
T/F: The objective of the shortest path problem is to find the minimum total length from the origin to the destination
A fictitious destination introduced into the formulation of a shortest path problem with multiple possible termination points to satisfy the requirement that there be just a single destination
Dummy destination
A channel through which flow may occur from one node to another, shown as an arrow between the nodes pointing in the direction in which flow is allowed