Cards (17)

  • Informatics
    A crossroads where information, ICT, knowledge and wisdom meet
  • Information literacy
    The ability to identify an information need, locate pertinent information, evaluate the information, and apply it correctly
  • Information
    Data that have meaning, can be presented in any medium (text, lists or graphics) in the manner that the end user prefers
  • Types of information
    • Static information (remains the same after publication)
    • Dynamic information (always changes to keep current)
  • ICT literacy
    Computer, communication and multimedia technologies that can be used to receive, process, store, display and disseminate information
  • Professional knowledge
    Knowledge and skills from education and experience to provide health care services (prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the promotion of health and wellbeing)
  • Medical Informatics
    Managing medical and healthcare through information science and technology, focusing on the digital interfacing of medical instruments, digital assistance to physicians, clinical information systems and computerised patient records
  • Health Informatics
    The application of information literacy, ICT literacy, and professional knowledge during the delivery of health care services to facilitate efficient, cost effective, high-quality care
  • Biomedical Informatics

    The branch of health informatics that uses data to help clinicians, researchers and scientists improve human health and provide healthcare
  • Bioinformatics
    The application of tools of computation and analysis to the capture and interpretation of biological data, essential for management of data in modern biology and medicine
  • Nursing Informatics
    The specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing practice
  • Pharmacy Informatics
    The scientific field that focuses on medication-related data and knowledge within the continuum of healthcare systems—including its acquisition, storage, analysis, use and dissemination—in the delivery of optimal medication-related patient care and health outcomes
  • Dental Informatics
    The application of computer and information sciences to improve dental practice, research, education and management
  • Medical Imaging Informatics
    A subfield of biomedical informatics that deals with the digital processing of medical images, including image generation, manipulation, management and integration
  • Biomedical informatics has become more reliant on software, artificial intelligence and cloud computing with the rise of the biotechnology industry and the widespread digitization of personal health data
  • Biomedical informatics uses big data and new ways of presenting it, together with traditional scientific research, to reach across medical disciplines to provide clinical insights, uncover disease, treatment and response patterns and point to new lines of scientific and medical inquiry
  • Differences between biomedical informatics, health informatics and clinical informatics
    • Biomedical informatics uses computational and traditional methods in biology, medicine, and research in genomics, proteomics, pharmacology & other disciplines
    • Health informatics is broader and more related to healthcare treatment approaches, using data from specialized healthcare information technologies
    • Clinical informatics is used in daily patient care, providing clinicians with information to form a care plan and help them view & use health data from IT systems