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  • Discovery of the cell
    Matthias Jakob Schleiden, a professor of botany in Germany, stated that all plants are composed of cells
  • Theodor Schwann
    A professor of physiology at the University of Belgium, he studied several slides of animal tissues and stated that animals are composed of cells
  • Postulates of cell theory
    • All organisms are made up of cells
    • The basic unit of life is cell
    • All cells come from pre-existing cells
  • Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow
    postulated the idea of Omnis cellula e cellula(All cells come from cells)
  • Theory of Spontaneous Generation
    Organisms came from non-living things
  • Francesco Redi
    • Disproved the theory that maggots could be spontaneously generated from meat using a controlled experiment
  • John Needham
    • Believed that life can arise spontaneously
    • Repeated Redi's experiment but yielded different result because he was not successful in killing all microbes while boiling broth
  • Lazzaro Spallanzani
    • Disagreed to the theory of spontaneous generation after observing absence of small organisms in some chicken broth placed in sealed flasks heated for 30 minutes
  • Louis Pasteur
    • Disproved spontaneous generation through an experiment where beef broth was sterilized through boiling in two flasks, one that was exposed to air and another that was protected from it