When a body's velocity is zero with respect to time
When a body's velocity is zero
It is said to be at rest
When a body's velocity is not zero
It is said to be in motion
Rest and motion are relative terms
Absolute rest
To know whether position of an object changes with time, a point absolutely fixed in space has to be chosen as reference
An object may be at rest with respect to one object and at the same time it may be in motion relative to another object
in unverse
object is in
is known
Length of actual path covered by a body during its initial and final positions.
Change in position of an object in fixed direction<|>Shortest (Straight line) path measured in the direction from initial to final positions<|>SI unit: m<|>CGS unit: cm<|>It is vector (has both direction & magnitude)<|>Can be +ve, -ve or zero
Displacement Characteristics
Has the units of lengths
Can be +ve, -ve & zero
Not dependent on choice of origin of position coordination
The actual distance travelled is greater than displacement
Unique path b/w two points from initial & final
Does not give any info of pathway that is actually travelled
Rate of change of position of an object with time in any direction<|>It is scalar quantity<|>Speed = Distance Travelled / Time Taken<|>Can be +ve or zero
Types of Speed
Uniform speed
Variable speed
Average speed
Instantaneous speed
Rate of change of position of an object with time in a given direction<|>It is vector quantity<|>Velocity = Displacement / Time<|>Can be +ve, zero or -ve
Types of Velocity
Uniform velocity
Variable Velocity
Average velocity
Instantaneous velocity
Straight Line Motion Graph-
Displacement - Time Graph [(x -t) graph]<|>Velocity = Slope of (x -t) graph<|>Acceleration = Slope of (v -t) graph
When acceleration takes its direction as negative it is taking U-teren after getting [V=0]
object cannot be present at 2 points in the given same time. Therefore, this graph is impossible