A relatively permanent change in your behavior, or behavioral potential, produced by experience
Approaches to Learning
Social cognitive
Information processing
Cognitive Constructivist
Social constructivist
Learning in psychology is defined as a relatively permanent change in your behavior, or behavioral potential, produced by experience
Learning refers to a permanent change in behavior and not a temporary change
Learning does not refer to the changes resulting from maturation
Learning can take place from direct as well as indirect experiences
Behaviorists proposed that the fundamental aspect of learning is the process of conditioning
Learning through insight as well as observational learning are the other types of learning in psychology
Behavioral Learning Examples
A child learns to ride a bicycle from his father
A woman experiences fear and anxiety while driving a car on a rainy day
An employee achieves double the sales target in the current quarter
An adolescent gets into the habit of consuming drugs and alcohol
Children study harder to earn a scholarship, trophy, or a medal at the end of the academic year
Characteristics of Learning
Learning happens when there is a permanent change in your behavior
Learning not only brings about a change in your existing behavior, but it also enables you to acquire new behavior
The changes brought about in your behavior via Learning would be stable and long-lasting
Learning prepares you to adjust and adapt to your environment
Learning as a Process and Not A Product
Learning is an important and never-ending process<|>Learning is an ongoing process that takes place throughout life<|>Learning involves setting a definitive goal to satisfy your needs in a purposeful way
Learning is Goal-Directed
Learning involves a change in your behavior taking place through experience, exercise, and effort
Such a change in behavior is relatively permanent in nature
Learning is Universal and Continuous
Learning plays a dominant role in modifying and shaping your behavior from the very beginning
Learning plays a key role in shaping your personality and behavior
Learning Prepares For Adjustment
Learning helps you to adjust or adapt to a given environment
As you grow old, you acquire various habits, knowledge, attitudes, and skills as a result of Learning
Learning is Comprehensive
Learning covers all the domains of human behavior including Cognitive, Affective, Social, and Psychomotor
Learning does not include behavioral changes that occur due to maturation or native response tendencies
Favorable or Unfavorable Change in Behavior
Changes can be favorable or unfavorable<|>Negative Learning refers to experiences that lead to negative changes in your behavior<|>Positive learning refers to experiences that lead to positive changes in your behavior
Learning Involves Experience
All learning involves some sort of experience
Learning may lead to discontinuance or abandonment of existing behavior
Learning does not include changes in your behavior that happen as a result of maturation