Cards (23)

  • EYES - the delicate sensory organs, equipped with many extraocular and intraocular structures.
  • SNELLEN CHART - are used to test distance vision and measure and visual acuity.
  • ROSENBAUM CARD - used to evaluate near-vision, develop by DR. J. GEORGE ROSENBAUM to test bedside patient after cataract surgery.
  • JAEGERS CARD - eye chart used in testing near vision acuity, it ia a card on which paragraph of text are printed.
  • ISHIHARA TEST - a color perception test for redgreen color deficiencies. name after the designer SHINOBU ISHIHARA (UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO 1917)
  • ALLEN CARD TEST - done at distance of 3 meters or 15 feet, consist of seven cards with each card containing a single picture.
  • CONJUNCTIVITIS - inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane.
  • CONJUNCTIVAL PALLOR - reason enough to perform hemoglobin determination.
  • PTERYGIUM OR PINGUECULA - growth and thickening of conjunctiva.
  • SUBCONJUNCTIVAL HEMORRHAGE - occurs when a tiny blood vessel breaks just underneath the clear surface of the eye.
  • NEVUS - a birthmark mole on the skin.
  • PAPILLOMA - on of the most common eyelid tumor.
  • CORNEA - the clear outer layer at the front of the eye.
  • SCLERA - the white outer layer of the eyeball.
  • COVER AND UNCOVER TEST - to determine if there is a heterophoria or phoria.
  • DYSPHAGIA - refers to difficulty of swallowing.
  • TYMPANIC MEMBRANE - pearl gray, shiny and transluscent.
  • WHISPER TEST - client will be able to repeat the words or phrase.
  • WEBERS TEST - vibration are heard in equally both ears, no lateralizations of sound.
  • RINNES TEST - air conduction is greater than bone conduction.
  • NYSTAGMUS O INVOLUNTARY - rapid movement of the eyeball.
  • STRABISMUS O SQUINT - deviation of the eye which the patient cannot overcome.
  • EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLES - responsible for eye movement, cardinal fields of gaze test.