Key Terms

Cards (14)

  • Defendant
    an individual, company, institution sued or accused in a court of law - they have the choice to plea guilty or not guilty
  • Prosecution
    the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge
  • Offender
    a person who commits an illegal act - beforehand they are under the label 'defendant', it is only once they either plea guilty or are found guilty the become an 'offender
  • Magistrate
    a civil offender who administers the law - think m for minor as they usually conduct minor offences
  • Preliminary hearing
    a criminal proceding in which a judge determines whether there is enough evidence to bind for the defendant for trial
  • Judge
    a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court - when a judge decides a sentence, they will consider the aims of the punishment, factors in the case and sentencing guidelines
  • Jury
    a body of 12 people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court
  • solicitor
    a type of lawyer which is trained to prepare cases and give legal advice and can represent people in lower courts
  • Barrister
    a person called to the bar and entitled to practise as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts
  • Crown court
    a court which deals with serious offences and appeals from the magistrates court
  • magistrates court
    a court which deals with minor offences and holds preliminary hearings for more serious ones
  • Indictment
    a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
  • Actus Reus
    guilty act
  • Mens Rea
    guilty mind, criminal intent