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  • Social sciences- The study of society and the manner in which the people behave and influence the world around us
  • Branches of Social science
    • Economics
    • Anthropology
    • Geography
    • History
    • Political Science
    • Psychology
    • Sociology
    • Demography
  • Economics
    The study of the allocation of scarce resources and the production and exchange of goods and services within society
  • Anthropology
    • A scientific study of human beings and their cultures in the past and present
    • Systematic approach to human research
    • Importance of fieldwork and participant observation
    • Focus on cross-cultural comparison
  • Geography
    The study of the relationship between people and their environment
  • History
    A systematic study of past human events in order to understand the meaning, dynamics and relationship of the causes and effects of events in the development of societies
  • Political Science
    Focuses on human actions in relation to political processes, states, rules and international affairs
  • Psychology
    Researching how the human mind functions in consonance with the body to generate thoughts that contribute to individual actions
  • Sociology
    Attempts to understand why and how people interact with each other and how they function as a society or social subgroups
  • Demography
    Explores trends in population growth through the study of birth, human activity, and morbidity, aging and mortality statistics
  • The social sciences are the academic disciplines that study man, society, and politics
  • Social science disciplines
    • Political Science
    • History
    • Economics
    • Public administration
    • Demography
    • Psychology
    • Geography
    • Sociology
    • Anthropology
    • Social Work
    • Linguistics
    • Communication
    • Law
    • Statistics
  • Political Science
    The discipline that studies the state and its basic elements such as people, territory, government, and sovereignty. It is concerned with politics focusing on decision-making and governance.
  • Economics
    The field that analyzes how individuals interact within society to address major issues about the use of economic resources for production and the exchange of goods and services.
  • Demography
    The study of population changes and trends, including migration from rural to urban areas, urbanization and human ecology, and population and its relationship to development. It uses statistical tools in the collection and analysis of data pertaining to population, birth and death rates, and unemployment and underemployment levels.
  • Geography
    Studies the world, its people, and its communities. Human geography, in particular, focuses on human activities and their impact on environmental change and other related issues.
  • Anthropology
    Studies the origins and the cultural and physical characteristics of human beings, as well as the social norms that they observe.
  • Linguistics
    The scientific study of language. It studies the structure and functions of words, sentences, and other spoken sounds and utterances.
  • Law
    The discipline that studies the rules formulated and implemented by governments to uphold order and equitability in society. One of the most important subjects of law is the Constitution, which is the fundamental law of the land.
  • History
    Studies the past to better understand contemporary society and anticipate changes and developments in the future. History looks into the significant events and achievements in the human experience and how these are all interconnected with one another.
  • Public Administration
    Is the field that deals with the implementation of public policies and the government agencies that enact these.
  • Psychology
    Studies the human mind and all human behavior. It examines how people think, act, and feel, with the end goal of creating intervention programs that would help improve human behavior.
  • Sociology
    Is the systematic study of society - and social relations. It seeks to understand how individuals relate with one another and how they function in society.
  • Social Work
    As a profession, social work is concerned with determining the needs of people in a certain community, linking them to the appropriate parties who will provide them these needs, and helping them acquire skills to independently address future problems.
  • Communication
    Deals with the processes of human communication and discusses how messages are interpreted based on their political, cultural, economic, and social contexts.
  • Development Studies
    Tackles social and economic issues experienced by underdeveloped and developing nations. An interesting issue in the discipline is whether the Philippines is a developing or an underdeveloped country.
  • Environmental Planning
    Environmental planning encourages individuals to make decisions that maintain the balance between human and natural systems. These decisions must be effective, transparent, and equitable.
  • Social Policy
    Is concerned with how societies respond to the needs of people, usually focusing on the economy.
  • Statistics
    Involves the collection, organization, and analysis of numerical data. It has two main objectives: (1) to present information in a convenient, usable, and understandable form; and (2) to make inferences or decisions based on data from a small portion or sample of a larger group. When used in the social sciences, statistics can help describe the characteristics of specific elements in the analysis of society, such as population and economic development.
  • The applied social sciences draw heavily from the theories of the various social sciences (e.g., psychology, sociology, and political science) to critically study society and the relationships among the people within. The applied social sciences equip students with the ability to develop practical and effective solutions to societal issues and concerns.
  • Counselling
    Draws heavily from the theories of Psychology and the other behavioral sciences. Counselling seeks to improve the client's mental health and well-being by discussing, his or her emotional problems to help him or her cope with them.
  • Social work
    Is a practice-based profession that seeks to improve the welfare of communities, individuals, families, and other groups in society, it draws heavily from the social and behavioral sciences for its theoretical and knowledge base.
  • Communication
    Involves the sharing of symbols to create meaning. The discipline covers a number of topics, including face-to-face conversations and mass media such as television, radio, newspapers, the internet, social media, and electronic mail.
  • Counseling
    A relationship between the counselor and client that is safe, confidential, trusting, empathic, honest, genuine, accepting, etc.
  • Counseling
    Where the client explores the situation for him or herself, understands the situation for him or herself, decides for him or herself, and acts for him or herself.
  • Counselling
    The profession of guiding individuals using methods in psychology, in gathering data, applying techniques in one-one interview, and assessing interests and abilities.
  • Counselling
    Involves providing client enlightenment, to be able to perceive things from a clearer and better point of view. It is giving the client an opportunity to deal with his emotions, experiences or behavior, aimed at expediting positive change.
  • Counselling
    An interactive process characterized by a unique relationship between the counsellor and client, which leads to the client experiencing changes in one or more of the following areas: Behavior, Beliefs, Level of emotional distress.
  • Five major goals of counseling
    • To assist client towards behavioral change
    • To cultivate the client's capacity to develop and sustain relationships
    • To enhance client's effective coping ability
    • To promote client's decision-making skill
    • To facilitate client's potential and personality development
  • Objectives of counseling
    • Advice
    • Reassurance
    • Communication
    • Release of emotional tension
    • Clarified thinking
    • Reorientation