Wilhelm Wundt - Father of modern psychology
Sigmund Freud - Father of Psychoanalysis, and Psychosexual theory
Johann Heinrich - Father of Education and Pedagogy
Ivan Pavlov - Classical Conditioning
Burrhus F. Skinner - Operant conditioning
David Ausubel - Meaningful learning
Jerome Bruner - Discovery learning, spiral curriculum
Albert Bandura - Social cognitive learning theory
Edward Lee Thorndike - Law of readiness and exercises
Kurt Levin - Life Space Content
Kohler - Problem solving by insight, insightful learning
Urie Brofenbrenner - Ecological theory
Sandra Bem - Gender Schema Theory
Howard Gardner - Theory of multiple intelligence
Elliot Turriel - Social Domain Theory
Lawrence Kohlberg - Moral Development Theory
Robert Sternberg - Triathlon theory intelligence
Erik Erikson - Psychosocial Development Theory
Ma. Montessori - Transfer of Learning, Kindergarten Preparation of Children
Edward Paul Torrance - Creative Problem Solving
Chomsky - Linguistic Acquisition Theory
Jean Piaget - Cognitive Learning Theory
John Watson - Behavioral Theory
Edward Tolman - Purpose Behaviorism
Bernard Weiner - Attribution Theory
Daniel Goleman - Emotional Intelligence
Titchener - Structuralism psychology
Robert Gagne - Sequence of instruction
Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of needs, motivation theory
Benjamin Bloom - Bloom's cognitive taxonomy
David Krathwohl - Affective domain
Lev Vygotsky - Socio-cultural theory of cognitive dev., linguistic theory, Scaffolding
John Locke - Tabularasa, Empiricism
Charles Cooley - Looking glass self-theory
John Flavel - Metacognition
Arnold Gesell - Maturation theory
John Dewey - Learning by doing
David Froebel - Father of kindergarten
Auguste Comte - Father of Sociology
John Amos Comencius - Father of modern education