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  • Filter Theory is By & Year?
    • Kerckhoff & Davis (1962)
  • What did K&D say?
    • All the romantic partners potentially available to us are reduced by a series of filters to a limited collection of people we would like to form a relationship with.
    • K & D compared attitudes & personalities of student couples in the short term (less than 18 months). They devised the filter theory to explain how a romantic relationship forms & develops.
  • K&D explain attraction in terms of ???
    • First we consider: FIELD OF AVALIABLES
    • 2nd we consider: FIELD OF DESIRABLES
  • Field of availables?
    • First we consider the:
    • Field of availables = the entire set of potential partners. But, not everyone who is available to us is desirable. (pool of potential partners who are accessible to us).
  • Field of Desirables?

    • 2nd we consider the:
    • Field of Desirables (a narrower range of desirable partners) via 3 filters of varying importance at different stages of a relationship
  • The filters:
    • Social Demographic (1st filter)
    • Similarity of Attitudes (2nd filter)
    • Complementary Filter (3rd filter)
  • Social Demographic?
    • 1st filter
    A) ?
  • Similarity of attitudes?
    • 2nd filter
    A) ?
  • Complementary Filter?
    • 3rd filter
    A) ?
  • 1st Filter?
    • SD = factors that influence chances of meeting
    • SD = Geographical locations, social class, education, ethnic, religion etc 
    • Accessibility of potential partner - u more likely to meet & have meaningful encounters with people who physically close & share features with yourself (similar socially, culturally etc)
    • Anyone too ‘different’ (far away, too middle class etc) is discounted/ ‘filtered out’ as a potential partner before next stage
    • The outcome is homogamy - being with someone who is similar to u (shares background: both socially, culturally etc).
  • Demographics def?
    • Demographics = features that describe populations.
  • 2nd Filter?

    Similarity of attitudes
    • Sharing similar beliefs & attitudes = key for couples who have been together less than 18 months/early stages of relationships agreeing on basic values promotes better communication and self-disclosure
    • Two psychologists mentioned key ideas:
    • Bahns et al (2016)
    • Bryne (1997)
  • 2nd filter - Bahns et al (?)

    • Bahns et al (2016): there are several reasons why similarity is so important but crucially it helps to make social situations more comfortable. It pays to interact with a partner who shares your attitudes, goals & values because it makes the relationship run more smoothly & reduces the likelihood of unpleasant conflict.
  • 2nd filter - Bryne (?)

    • Bryne (1997) found that similarity in attitudes causes mutual attraction / increases attraction = law of attraction. If this similarity is not present eventually the relationship will ‘fizzle out’/fade.
  • 3rd filter?
    Complementary Filter
    • Meeting each other's needs is the most important for long term couples/later stages of relationship e.g. making ur partner laugh & ur partner enjoying being made laugh.
    • Partners complement each other when they have traits the other lacks.
    • Gives the feeling of being with the other person.
    • Complementarity gives the romantic partners a feeling of ‘togetherness’ & ‘making a whole’. e.g. partners feel like they meeting each other's needs if one likes caring & other enjoys being cared for (‘opposites attract’).
    • Really key for long distance couples
  • Factors affecting attraction in psychology spec?
    • Self Disclosure 
    • Physical Attraction
    • Filter Theory
  • The Filter Theory explains some of the factors affecting attraction