The divisions of the nervous system

Cards (7)

  • Central Nervous System (CNS)

    Made up of the brain and spinal cord, concerned with all life functions and psychological processe.
  • Central Nervous System (CNS): The brain
    Deals with higher order thinking and sustains life. It is broken down into two hemisphere and 4 lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital.
  • Central Nervous System (CNS): The spinal cord
    Carried the messages and reflex actions. (Nerve fibres that connect nearly all parts of the body with the brain).
  • Peripheral Nervous System

    Transmits messages via neurons to and from the CNS, made up of autonomic nervous system and somatic nervous system.
  • Peripheral Nervous System: Autonomic

    Transmits information to and from the internal organs to sustain life processes, only using motor neurons. It is divided into two subdivisions: sympathetic (which increases body activity like fight or flight) and parasympathetic (which decreases activity like rest and digest).
  • Peripheral nervous syste: Somatic

    Transmits information to and from the senses and to and from the nervous system, using both sensory and motor neurons. There are no subdivisions.
  • Autonomic vs Somatic
    • Autonomic is internal, Somatic is external
    • Autonomic, motor only, Somatic is motor and sensory
    • Autonomic is unconscious activity, Somatic is conscious
    • Autonomic has 2 subdivisions, Somatic has none.