1. Pollen from the male parts of one flower connects with the female parts of another flower
2. Plants make flowers to attract pollinators to do this for them
3. Pollinators can be bees, flies, beetles, moths, hummingbirds, bats, and other creatures that visit flowers
4. They travel from flower to flower to gather the nectar and pollen to feed themselves and their young
5. When a pollinator goes into a flower, tiny grains of pollen from the anthers of the flower (the male parts) stick to their bodies
6. When the pollinator visits another flower of the same species, some of this pollen brushes onto the sticky stigma at the top of the pistil
7. The pollen travels from the stigma down the style to the ovary
8. When an ovule is fertilized, a seed is made
9. Some flowers are pollinated by the wind