Textual Aids

Cards (11)

  • Textual Aids
    Non-textual parts that help readers understand the context of the text, such as images, maps, tables, graphs and charts
  • Advance Organizers
    Tools used to structure a lesson and guide learners on how to think about it
  • Types of Advance Organizers
    • Expository Advance Organizer
    • Narrative Advance Organizer
  • Expository Advance Organizer
    • Gives students a broad idea of the lesson's purpose before the lesson begins
  • Narrative Advance Organizer
    • Involves storytelling
  • Skimming
    Helps activate students to skim over a reading
  • Graphic Organizers
    Structure information visually or in pictures, often in a template form with blank spaces
  • Textual Aids refer to non-textual parts that help readers understand the context of the text, such as images, maps, tables, graphs and charts
  • Textual Aids include elements that are distinct from the main text, such as bolded, italicized and underlined texts
  • The functions of Textual Aids are to direct readers' attention to important ideas in the text and provide more information
  • Advance Organizers are tools used to structure a lesson and guide learners on how to think about it