Def (n.): the vocabulary or jargon of a particular subject or group of people.
“I tried to understand my teenager’s ___, but it was complicated.”
Def (adj.): very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail; meticulous
“I was a ___ child; I organized everything in specific patterns.”
Def (adj.): very concerned about matters of cleanliness.
“The ___ woman deals with her stress by cleaning.”
Def (v.): convey (a meaning or intention) indirectly through what one says, rather than stating it explicitly; imply.
“By claiming that the cake has too many calories, Cheyanne ___ that she watches her diet.”
Def (v.): show (someone) to be involved in a crime; incriminate
“The letter’s handwriting ___ Evie.”
Def (adj.): giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable; promising
“My father warned me that it is not a ___ time for starting a new business”
Def (adj.): not having any serious purpose or value; joking
“She believes that going to scrolling down social media is a ___ activity.”
Def (adj.): (of a person) carefree and not serious
“She thought that her fluorescent pink hair made her look ___.”
Def (adj.): having a ready insight into and understanding of things; prescriptive; able to judge quickly; unusual power to see through and understand what is puzzling or hidden.
“The ___ mother saw right through her son’s girlfriend's lies.”
Def (adj.): able to do many different things; versatile; adaptable, flexible
“The ___ professor taught introductory biology in the fall and law 198 in the spring.”
Def (adj.): tending or able to change frequently or easily; ever-changing, variable, changeable
"Her ___ personality annoyed everyone."
Def (adj.): (of a philosophical position or argument) derived from or related to the work of Wittgenstein and esp the later work in which he attacks essentialism and stresses the open texture and variety of use of ordinary language
“He agrees with ___ ideology.”
Def (adj.): relating to knowledge or to the degree of its validation.
“The ___ child was annoyed at her teacher’s omission of certain information.”
Def (n.): a person who becomes very interested or enthusiastic about different things for a short time
"My sister is a ___; last week her obsession was knitting and now it is baking.”
Def (n.): feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected; perturbation
“Her teacher’s ___ was true: her students were cheating."
Def (adv.): in a way that shows a wish to fight or argue in a way that shows a wish to fight or argue
“She stood up ___, ready to defend her best friend.”
Def (n.): a sense of disgust and loathing.
“A sense of ___ filled me when I saw my father kissing another woman.”
Def (adj.): fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful; funny
“Her ___ personality came out at the professional meeting.”
Def (adj.): essential; fundamental; basic
“Water is a ___ resource.”
Def (adj.): relating to an early stage in evolutionary development; primeval; initial; original
"Starving for weeks unleashed her ___ behavior.”
Def (v.): (especially of a machine or a bird's wings) make a low, continuous, regular sound.
“The treadmill ___ while I ran.”
Def (adv.): in a way that shows a complete lack of respect, as if something is stupid or of no value
“Annoyed, Elina responded ___ to her sister’s comments.”
Def (adj.): expressing contempt or ridicule; mocking
“Her ___ remarks tested her family’s nettle.”
Def (n.): brisk and cheerful readiness; eagerness; willingness; enthusiasm
“She ran to the store with ___ when she discovered the deals.”
Def (v.): to fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality, or idea
“Her essay is ___ with emotion.”
Def (v.): inspire or permeate with (a feeling or quality).