Cards (200)

  • Computer
    - Referred to as Information Technology
    - Synonymous to NIS, NCA, and NI
    - Used to manage information in patient care, monitor quality of nursing care and evaluate care outcomes
  • Nursing Informatics
    Refers to integration of nursing, its information and information management with information processing and information technology to support the health of the people worldwide
  • Clinical Information System
    Refers to a set of components that form the mechanism by which patient records are created, used, stored, and retrieved and usually located within a healthcare provider setting
  • Prior to 1960s
    - Computers developed, healthcare use in the 1950s
    - Evolution of nursing software and practice standards
    - Limited experts adapting computers to healthcare
    - Initial use of computers for business transactions
  • 1970s
    - Nurses see computers' value in healthcare
    - They help design hospital information systems
    - Computers are seen as cost-saving for managing patient care
    - Some US healthcare systems develop their own computer programs
  • 1980s
    - Nursing informatics emerges as a specialty
    - Need for nursing software and updated standards for computer-based patient records identified
    - Microcomputers/PCs emerged
  • 1990s
    - Computer technology became an integral part of the healthcare settings, nursing practice and nursing profession
    - Policies and Legislation were adopted promoting computer technology in healthcare including Nursing
    - NI was approved by ANA as a new Nursing specialty
    - Computer technology becomes integral to nursing
  • Post 2000
    - Development of wireless point of care, open-source solutions, regional database projects and increased IT solutions on healthcare environment
    - Clinical information systems became individualized in the EPR
    - Mobile computing devices were also started to utilize in healthcare
    - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was enacted
  • Nursing Practice
    Integration of NCPs, patient care data, nursing practice itself as part of the EHR/HER
  • Nursing Administration
    - Hospital policies and procedure manuals are accessed and retrieved by computers
    - Work load measures, acuity systems and other nursing department systems are online and integrated with the hospital or patients' HER system or in separate nursing department systems
    - Digital libraries, online resources, and research protocols at bedside
  • Nursing Education
    - Computer-enhances, courses, online courses, and/or distance education
    - Campus-wide computer systems are available for students
    - New educational teaching methodologies and strategies
  • Nursing Research
    - Software programs are available for processing both Qualitative and Quantitative research data
    - Databases emerged
    - Online access to millions of web resources around the world
    - Focuses on the need for adequate records on patients in hospitals and practice of standards for the documentation of care by nurses
    - Recommended acuity systems to determine resources use as well as required care plans for documenting nursing care
  • PNA
    - Founded on September 2, 1922
    - Member of the International Council for Nurses
    - Instigated the standardization of the nursing profession in the Philippines
  • HITECH Act of 2009
    Included the provisions for strengthening the original HIPAA legislation (patient consent, organizations handling PHI, and increased penalties for security breaches)
  • Electronic Health Record
    - Composed of Health Information regarding an individual patient that exists as part of a complete system designed to provide access to and management of such information
    - Actively supports clinical care by providing a wide variety of information services
  • Computer-based Patient Record (CPR)

    - Is an essential technology for healthcare and is an integral tool for all professionals
    - An electronic patient record that resides in a system designated to support users through the availability of complete and accurate data, practitioner reminders and alerts, clinical decision support systems, links to bodies of medical knowledge, and other aids
  • Computer-based Patient Record Institute 1992 (CPRI)

    - Created and given the mission to initiate and coordinate urgently needed activities to develop, deploy, and routinely use CPRs to achieve improved outcomes in healthcare quality, cost and access
    - A unique organization representing all stakeholders in healthcare focusing on clinical applications of information technology
  • Management
    The organizational aspects of EHR implementation:
    - Strategy
    - Planning
    - Project management - Governance
  • Functionality
    Delivered by the EHR to meet the organizational objectives and the needs of patients and end-users
  • Technology
    Technical design and architecture that enable the EHR to deliver the required functionality and performance
  • ImpactValue
    Concrete return on investment as well as intrinsic value derived from the implementation of the EHR
  • Nicholas E. Davies Award of Excellence Program
    A program intended to award and bring to national attention excellence in the implementation and derived value of EHRs
  • Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)

    Is the healthcare industry's membership organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of healthcare information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare
  • Computer
    - Is defined as a machine that is capable of performing a sequence of arithmetic and logic operations
    - Is dependent on prepared instructions
  • Hardware
    It refers to the tangible parts of a computer
  • Software
    - Refers to any sequence of instruction that make it easier to communicate with computers
    - It also pertains to the programs that govern the operation of a computer that make the hardware productive
  • Peopleware/Personnel
    - Refer to the user or people who work with the computer so that it can be used to find solutions to problems; it indirectly refers to the persons who use the information generated by the computer
    - In medical and nursing informatics, it refers to the members of the healthcare team
  • Analog
    - Classification of computer
    - Used for scientific, engineering and process-controlled purposes
  • Digital
    - Classification of computer
    - Used for scientific, engineering and process-controlled purposes
    - Perform simple mathematical operations of greater accuracy
  • Hybrid
    - Classification of computer
    - Special purpose machine that combines the measuring capabilities of analog and logical and control capabilities of digital computers
  • Supercomputer
    - Machines with the capacities beyond large computer systems with the speed of 100 million instructions per second
    - Extremely fast and performs hundreds of millions of instructions per second
  • Mainframes
    - The largest, fastest and most expensive type of computer for processing, storing and retrieving data and can access billions of characters of data
    - Powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting many hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously
  • Minicomputer
    - Multi-user computer capable of supporting up to hundreds of users simultaneously
    - Smaller version of mainframes or supercomputers
  • Workstation
    - For engineering applications, publishing, software development
    - Moderately high power, but high-quality graphics
    - High-res screen, large RAM, large mass storage device
    - Single-user computer but typically linked together with other kind of this machine to form a local network
  • Microcomputers / Personal Computers
    - Is a digital computer system under the control of a stored program that uses a microprocessor, a programmable read only memory (ROM) and random-access memory (RAM)
    - Small, inexpensive computer designed for individual users
  • Handheld Computers/ PDAs
    Is a handy computer which can be brought from one place to another
  • Motherboard
    - It is a thin, flat sheet made of a firm, non-conducting material on which the internal components of the computer are mounted- It has holes or perforation through which components can be affixed- The specific design of the components is called thecomputer architecture
  • CPU
    The BRAIN of the Computer
  • Arithmetic and logic unit
    Controls mathematical function such as addition and subtraction and functions of the test logic (Boolean) conditions