
Cards (330)

  • Invertible function

    1. A→B is invertible iff bijective
  • Invertible functions is a function f that has an inverse
  • Sequence
    A function whose domain is a subset of ℕ
  • Geometric sequence
    a type of sequence where each succeeding term is produced by multiplying each preceding term by a fixed number
  • Recurrence relation

    An equation that expresses aₙ in terms of earlier terms: aₙ₋₁, aₙ₋₂, ...
  • Closed formula
    A function of n that satisfies the recurrence relation
  • Summation (or series)
    is the sum of a sequence
  • A way to define a sequence of numbers or values by providing a formula that specifies how the next term is related to previous terms
    A recurrence relation
  • Proposition
    A statement that can be assigned a truth value (True or False)
  • Propositionsexamples
    • It is raining today
    • 2+3=5
    • 2+3=7
  • Negation (not)
    The negation of a proposition P is 'not P'
  • Conjunction 'P and Q'
  • Disjunction (or, inclusive or)
    The disjunction of propositions P and Q is 'P or Q'
  • Exclusive or
    The exclusive or of propositions P and Q is 'P or Q, but not both'
  • Implication (if-then)
    The implication of P to Q is 'if P, then Q'
  • Biconditional (if and only if)
    The biconditional of P and Q is 'P if and only if Q'
  • Atomic Proposition
    A basic proposition that cannot be broken down further
  • Compound Proposition
    A proposition built from atomic propositions and logical operations
  • P → (Q > R) is a meaningful compound proposition, but P → Q → R is meaningless
  • Tautology
    A compound proposition that is true for every assignment of truth values to its propositional variables
  • Contradiction
    A compound proposition that is false for every assignment of truth values to its propositional variables
  • Satisfiable
    A proposition that is not a contradiction
  • Contingency
    A proposition that is neither a tautology nor a contradiction
  • Logically Equivalent
    Two propositions A and B are logically equivalent if A↔B is a tautology
  • P→Q = ¬P∨Q (implication is equivalent to disjunction of negation and consequent)
  • P→Q = ¬Q→¬P (implication is equivalent to the contrapositive)
  • P→Q ≠ ¬P→P (the inverse of an implication is not equivalent)
  • P↔Q = (P→Q)∧(Q→P) (biconditional is equivalent to the conjunction of two implications)
  • P
    9 unless
  • Equivalences
  • Tautology
    A compound Prop. that is true for every assignment of truth Values to its Propositional Variables
  • Contradiction
    A compound Prop. that is false for every assignment
  • Tautology
    • P v ~P
  • Contradiction
    • P ^ ~P
  • P -> (P v q) is a tautology
  • Contingency
    A prop. that is neither a tautology nor a contradiction
  • Logically equivalent
    Two Propositions A,B are said to be logically equivalent iff A&B is a tautology
  • Notation: A = B
  • A = B iff A&B have the same truth table
  • Logically equivalent
    • P -> q = ~P v q
    • P => q = ~P v q