This is a mathematical method for defining abnormality.
This def works on the idea that abnormality should be based on infrequency; if it occurs rarely then it is abnormal.
The mathematical element of the def is about the idea that human attributes fall into a normal distribution within the population.
This means that there is a central average or mean and the rest of the pop fall symmetrically above & below that mean.
SD as a measure informs us how far scores fall on either side away from the mean.
USE when answering question too!!!
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What is Deviation from Social Norms?
Three types of consequences of behaviour?
There relatively few behaviours that would be considered universally abnormal therefore definitions are related to cultural context
This includes historical differences within the same society
For example, Homosexuality is view as abnormal in some cultures but not others and was considered abnormal in our society in the past.
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Example of Deviation from Social Norms?
APD - Antisocial Personality Disorder
SPD - Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
One important symptom of APD (formerly psychopathy) is failure to conform to 'lawful' and culturally normative ethical behaviour
In other words, a psychopathy is abnormal because they deviate from social norms or standards. They generally lack empathy.
e.g. irrational, avoids people, unpredictable, keep themselves to themselves, lash out if annoyed therefore this goes against soical norms and can therefore be seen as abnormal.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
In past e.g. of mental disorders been invented to control how people live (Drapetomania & Nymphomania)
SPD = deviation from social norms
Patients characterised by eccentric behaviour including superstition & beliefs in supernatural that deviate from their cultural norms.
They may see flashes & shadows that not seen by others & presumably not real.
This personality type often found in families where relatives have diagnosis of schizophrenia. Is it a reasonable approach to define schizotypal personality as abnormal or is it a human rights abuse?
Types of Social Norms?
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Deviation from Ideal Mental Health - what is?
A different way to look at normality and abnormality is to think about what makes someone 'normal' and psychologically healthy - then identify anyone who deviates from this ideal
Instead of assessing behaviour that we consider abnormal by matching it with the abnormal criteria of the 'failure to function adequately' definition.
Jahoda (1958) proposed we should start with list of criteria that we would consider normal and thus the absence of any would help us define abnormality.
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Jahoda's (1958) list?
Positive views of self (good self esteem)
Growth & development (works towards self actualisation - become our best selves
Independent - (self regulating, ortonamy - not work in collectivist cultures)
Accurate view of reality (unrealistic view e.g. trees can talk)
Building and maintaining relationships (friends, family)
Environmental mastery (able to adopt to environment, resistant to stress)
Absence of these signs someone is mentally unwell/abnormal
Inevitable overlap between definitions:
Someone's inability to keep a job may be a sign of their failure to cope with the pressures of work (failure to function)
Or as a deviation from the ideal of successfully working
What is failure to function adequately?
Important to realise that any one or even a some number of the criteria is by no means usual but if a person is experiencing many or all of them then this would constitute cause for concern.
Rosen & Seligman : 7 criteria's for 'falling to function adequately' & the year?
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Example of 'failing to function adequately'symptoms
No longer to hold down a job
Maintain a relationship
Maintain basic standard of hygiene & nutrition
Example of 'failing to function adequately'
Intellectual disability disorder:
Having very low IQ is a statistical infrequency but diagnosis would not be made on this basis alone. There would have to be clear signs that, as a result of this the person was not able to cope with the demands of everyday living. So intellectual disability disorder is an example of failing to function adequately