Cards (2)

  • Diff of squares = factor by gcf
    Coeff numerical val is 1= usual factor processes
    coeff num val is not 1 = ac method
    1. Mult num coeff a and c
    2. get values that when added is b
    3. factor by gcf
    if cannot perform ac due to c being large amount = substitution
    set A to middle term degree
    set A2 for a term degree
    -2x6 + 6x3
    A= x3
    A2= x3)(x3) = x6
    get gcf
    plot the As
    factor the poly with th As
    after factored bring back true val of A
  • by grouping:
    separate poly two eq to 2 bi
    numericak coeff/constant both eq
    if same ratio then factor by grouping via separate gcf taking