A plan used to find a solution or overcome a challenge
Different problem-solving strategies
Trial and error
Means-ends analysis
Past experience
Bring in a facilitator
Decision matrix
Peer assistance
Step away
Trial and error
Trying different solutions and ruling out those that don't work
Step-by-step problem-solving formula that always produces the same result when followed exactly
Generalproblem-solving framework or "ruleofthumb" that saves time and energy but is not always the most rational method
Types of heuristics
Working backwards
Breaking down tasks
Means-ends analysis
Analyzing actions in smaller steps to achieve the goal
Tower of Hanoi puzzle
Move a stack of discs from the leftmost rod to the rightmost rod, following the rules: 1) Move only one disk at a time, 2) Place disks on top of another stack or an empty rod, 3) No larger disk on top of a smaller disk
Methods for solving the Tower of Hanoi
Binary and Gray-code
Graphical representations
Brute-force approach
Lacks sophistication, takes the most direct or obvious route, does not minimize the number of operations required
Divide and conquer approach
Problem is solved recursively in three steps: Divide, Conquer, and Combine
Merge Sort Algorithm
Divide an array into two halves, 2) Recursively sort each half, 3) Combine the sorted halves
Dynamic programming approach
Similar to divide-and-conquer but reuses results of sub-problems, bottom-up technique that solves smallest sub-problems first
Fibonacci Series
Sequence where each term is the sum of the two preceding ones
Greedy algorithm approach
At each step, makes the choice with the smallestimmediatecost, does not look ahead to find the global optimum
Randomized approach
Depends on input data and values from a random number generator, often more effective when determining the optimal choice is difficult
Randomized approaches are widely used in computer security and games