Introduction to Human Body

Cards (31)

  • Anatomy - is the science of body structures and the relationships among them.
  • from the word anatomy what does ana = up; -tomy = process of cutting mean
  • Anatomy was first studied by dissection - the careful cutting apart of body structures to study their relationships.
  • from the word dissection what does dis- = apart; -section = act of cutting mean
  • physiology is the science of body functions—how the body parts work.
  • from the word physiology ( physio- = nature; -logy = study of)
  • Embryology study of the first eight weeks of development after fertilization of a human egg.
  • Developmental biology study the complete development of an
    individual from fertilization to death.
  • Cell biology study of Cellular structure and functions.
  • Histology (hist- = tissue) Microscopic structure of tissues.
  • Systemic anatomy study of the Structure of specific systems of the body such as the nervous or respiratory systems.
  • Regional anatomy study of the Specific regions of the body such
    as the head or chest.
  • Surface anatomy study of the Surface markings of the body to
    understand internal anatomy through visualization and palpation (gentle touch).
  • Imaging anatomy Internal body structures that can be visualized with techniques such as x-rays, MRI, CT scans, and other
    technologies for clinical analysis and medical intervention.
  • Pathological anatomy (path- = disease) study of the structural changes (gross to
    microscopic) associated with disease.
  • ( physio- = nature; -logy = study of)
  • Molecular physiology study of the Functions of individual molecules
    such as proteins and DNA.
  • Neurophysiology study of the Functional properties of nerve cells.
  • neuro- = nerve)
  • Endocrinology study of Hormones (chemical regulators in the blood) and how they control body functions.
  • endo- = within;-crin = secretion
  • Cardiovascular physiology study the functions of the heart and blood vessels.
  • cardi- = heart;
    vascular = blood vessels
  • Immunology study of the body’s defenses against disease-causing agents.
  • immun- = not susceptible
  • Respiratory physiology study of functions of the air passageways
    and lungs.
  • respira- = to breathe
  • Renal physiology study of the functions of the kidneys.
  • ren- = kidney
  • Exercise physiology study of changes in cell and organ
    functions due to muscular activity.
  • Pathophysiology study of functional changes associated
    with disease and aging.