Gross national income - the total value of goods and services a country's citizens produce, including the value of income earned by citizens who may be working in an overseas country
A range of factors relating to the financial or economic state of a country that can influence the opportunities and resources available for its citizens
characteristics of high middle low income countries
economic social environmental
factors that contribute to similarities and differences in health status
access to safe water, access to sanitation, poverty, inequality and discrimination
access to safe water
Safe water refers to water that is not contaminated with disease-causing pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, or
chemicals such as lead and mercury.
cant wash food- food poisoning
time out of school to collect water- social
increases rates of water borne diseases like cholera and diarrhoea
access to sanitation
Access to sanitation means adequate facilities like a flushing toilet or covered latrine and the hygienic removal or containment of the waste products.
no private toilets, cultures expect girls to wait until dark- exposes them to danger of harassment- mental
inadequate access to toilets can contaminate soil with faeces which increases intestinal worms like hookworm- life expectancy
Poverty refers to deprivation of usually income but presents as a lack of material resources such as food, shelter, clean water and healthcare.
Undernutrition is often the result of an inability to afford nutritious foods, premature death- physical
Reduced access to education results in lower literacy rates, pregnancy knowledge- maternal mortality
discrimination and inequality
Racial discrimination is when a person is treated less favourably than another person because of their race, colour, or ethnic origin.
Many members of religious or belief communities face discrimination based on their religion or belief.
Sex refers to the physiological characteristics, including the DNA and sex organs, present in an individual at birth.
Gender identity describes how individuals perceive themselves as male, female, a blend of both, or neither.
Sexual orientation describes the sex that an individual is sexually and romantically attracted to.
those who do not identify as heterosexual can be refused jobs- financial stress
those who do not identify as heterosexual are denied healthcare
gender identity
Individuals who are transgender experience higher rates of physical and sexual assault
are more likely to face discrimination in society, meaning they are at a higher risk of self harm
global distribution and marketing
processed foods
the activities of a company associated with selling a product or service to people
In low to middle income countries money may be scarce and an alcohol addiction can cause an individual to spend money needed for food, clothing or shelter - finance
Excessive alcohol intake puts strain on the liver and can cause scarring on the liver tissues, liver disease
Repeated tobacco smoking can put strain on the lungs and cause a fault in how the cells in the body divide
processed foods
Eating processed foods that contain significant amounts of added salt, sugar and/or fat such as frozen pizzas, fast food hamburgers and French fries can lead to an unhealthy body weight
Processed foods that are marketed at low and middle income countries contribute to a more energy dense diet as it includes high rates or sugars, salt and fat which can increase the risk of hypertension due to higher cholesterol levels
double burden of disease
when conditions associated with both poverty and wealth exist side-byside in one community, such as
undernutrition and obesity
why are low-income countries targeted (tobacco)
Laws, taxes, regulation and public awareness campaigns are not present, like how tobacco is often sold cheaply to children and there are no health warnings on packets
Why are low-income countries targeted (alcohol)
Weak regulations related to the sale of alcohol, like not having a minimum legal drinking age, and lack of health promotion campaigns.
Why are low-income countries targeted (processed foods)
due to rapid urbanisation, people are neglecting their tradition diet and are switching to a westernised diet that are high in sugar, salt, and saturated fats - overweight- mental