The Spiritual Self

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  • Religion and spirituality are both paths to god. However, these terms differs with regards to their approaches.
  • Moreover, the two are related – Although these two are not separated from one another, spirituality is much more profound than religion.
  • Spiritual person – places little importance on beliefs and traditions and is more concerned with growing and experiencing the divine
    Approach: through the path of love; there is a love without condemnation and judgement; there is mercy and acceptance.
  • SPIRITUALITY relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things
  • RELIGIOSITY is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual or supernatural realm, that is accompanied by rituals. Through rituals, people attempt to influence things that they think are beyond their control
  • Religious person – someone who believes in a god or a group of gods
  • RELIGIOSITY Approach: often, it takes the approach of fear; emphasizes sin, guilt, and the concept of punishing god
  • RELIGIOSITY came from the word “religion” – a term derived from a Latin word “religare” which means “to bind together” or communion between a person and a higher being (Batara, 2015).
  • RELIGIOSITY is a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices; pertains to the condition of being religious or attachment to any belief system as measure by its intensity salience importance or centrality in the personality of the individual (Mirriam Webster)
    Beliefs are generalized system of ideas and values
    Rituals are repeated physical gestures or activities
    Spiritual experience are feeling of immediate connection with the higher power
  • Dimensions of Religion
    Unique social forms of community
    • unite in one single community called a church
  • SPIRITUALITY refers to a human experience that seeks to transcend self and find meaning and purpose through connection with others, nature, and a Supreme Being, which may or may not involve religious structures or traditions.
    Lack of purpose in life can be significant factors in causing anxiety, depression and phobias.
    • mental exercises such as focusing on one’s breathing
    • a spiritual communion with god/God or an object or worship as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration or confession
    • System of physical postures, breathing techniques and sometimes meditation to promote physical and  emotional well-being
    • can help you become aware of your inner life and feel more connected to your experience and world around you.
  • Steven Reiss suggested a theory on why people are attracted to religion
  • According to Steven Reiss, Religion attracts so many followers because it satisfies all 16 basic desires that human share; acceptance, curiosity, eating, family, idealism, honor, independence, order, physical activity, power, romance, saving, social contact, status, tranquility and vengeance
  • Polytheism - multiple gods
  • Monotheism- single god
  • Atheism - no deities
  • Animism - Nonhuman beings (animals, plants, natural world)
  • The Five Major Religions
    • Judaism
    • Christianity
    • Islam
    • Hinduism
    • Buddhism
    • Ceremony or action performed in a customary way
    • May be prescribed by the traditions of the community including a religious community
    • Formal act or ritual often set by custom or tradition performed in observation of an event or anniversary