structures and pointers

Cards (35)

  • Structure
    A user-defined data type of C++ to represent a collection of logically related data items, which may be of different types, under a common name
  • Syntax to define the structure
    1. struct structure_tag
    2. data_type variable1;
    3. data_type variable2;
    4. data_type variableN;
    5. }
  • Structure variable

    Variables declared for storing the details, can be initialised
  • Memory space for structure variable
    38 Bytes (4 + 20 + 10 + 4)
  • Defining a structure without structure tag

    1. struct
    2. int adm_no;
    3. char name[20];
    4. char group[10];
    5. float fee;
    6. st;
  • Dot operator (.)

    Connects a structure variable and its element
  • Accessing elements of a structure
    • cin >> st.adm_no;
    • cin.getline(,20);
    • st.fee = 2500;
    • cout <<;
  • If two different structures contain same elements, their variables cannot be assigned
  • Nested structure
    An element of a structure is a variable of another structure
  • Pointer
    A variable that can hold the address of a memory location
  • Syntax to declare pointer variable
    data_type * variable;
  • Address of operator (&)
    Used to get the address of a variable
  • Indirection or dereference operator (*)
    Used to retrieve the value pointed to by the pointer
  • Static memory allocation
    Memory allocation that takes place before the execution of the program, due to variable declaration statements
  • Dynamic memory allocation
    Memory allocation during the execution of the program, facilitated by the new operator
  • Syntax for dynamic memory allocation
    pointer_variable = new data_type;
  • Memory leak
    Orphaned memory blocks that are not freed using the delete operator
  • Reasons for memory leak
  • Remedy for memory leak
  • Operations on pointers
    1. Declaration of integer pointers
    2. Dynamic memory allocation and initialisation
    3. Pointer arithmetic
    4. Displaying pointer value and dereferenced value
    5. Reading value using pointer
  • Dynamic array
    Collection of memory locations created during run time using the new operator
  • Character pointer

    Used to reference strings
  • Accessing elements of a structure using pointer
  • Self referential structure
    A structure in which one of the elements is a pointer to the same structure
  • Orphaned memory blocks are undesirable and can be avoided by properly de-allocating dynamically allocated memory using delete
  • Memory leak can lead to unfavorable effects due to increasing consumption of memory
  • Freeing allocated memory

    Using the delete operator
  • Nested structure
    A structure within another structure
  • Declaring variables of nested structure type

    struct time current_time, next_time;
  • Dynamic memory allocation operator
  • Representing names of 12 months as an array of strings
    • char *month[12] = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
  • A structure can contain another structure as an element
  • If 'ptr' is a pointer to the variable 'num', the statement 'num=&ptr;' is invalid
  • Swap function using pointers
    Swap the values of two integer variables using pointers
  • Accessing array elements using pointers

    Accessing and performing arithmetic operations on array elements using pointers