Term 2
1) Quality performance
2) Quality indicators
Created by
caleb coughlan
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Cards (9)
The advantages/ benefits of a good quality management system
Improves business image as there are fewer defects.
Increased market share/ more customers improve profitability.
Enhances the ability of the business to achieve it's vision/ mission.
General management function
Set direction and establish priorities for their business.
Develop/ Implement/ Maintain effective strategic plans.
Effectively communicate a shared vision, mission and values.
Production function
Products meet customers requirements by being safe/ reliable.
Monitor processes and find the root causes of production problems.
Implement quality control systems to ensure that quality products are consistently being produced.
Purchasing function
Buying raw materials in bulk at lower prices.
Ensures required quantities are delivered at right time and place.
Implementing and maintaining stock control systems to ensure security of stock.
Marketing function
Use aggressive advertising campaigns to sustain the market share.
Adhere to ethical advertising practices when promoting products.
Acquire greater market share through good/ effective customer service.
Financial function
Analyse/ Apply strategies to increase profitability.
Obtain capital from the most suitable/ reliable sources.
Implement credit-granting/ debt collecting policies to monitor cash flow.
Public relations function
Provide regular/ positive press releases.
Implement sustainable Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programmes.
Provide good results of feedback from public surveys on the business image.
Administration function
Easy to recall information.
Use modern technology efficiently.
Fast and reliable data capturing and processing systems.
Human resources function
Low staff turnover employee attrition rates in the business.
Offer performance incentives for staff to enhance productivity.
Fair remuneration packages aligned to the industry.