Atomic structure

Cards (14)

  • Atom
    Smallest unit of an element that retains its chemical properties
  • Nucleus
    Central core of an atom containing protons (+) and neutrons (neutral)
  • Electrons
    Negatively charged particles orbiting the nucleus in shells
  • Protons
    Positively charged particles in the nucleus
  • Neutrons
    Neutral particles in the nucleus
  • Atomic Number (Z)

    Number of protons in an atom
  • Mass Number (A)

    Sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
  • Electron Shells

    • Energy levels around the nucleus where electrons are found
    • 1st shell: Can hold up to 2 electrons
    • 2nd shell: Can hold up to 8 electrons
    • 3rd shell: Can hold up to 18 electrons
  • Isotopes
    Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
  • Isotopes
    • Carbon-12 (12C)
    • Carbon-14 (14C)
  • Electron Distribution
    Arrangement of electrons in an atom's electron shells
  • Protons determine the element's identity (atomic number)
  • Neutrons and protons together determine the mass number
  • Electrons occupy shells around the nucleus