Holds the testes outside the body to keep it cooler for sperm production
Sperm duct
Carries sperm from testes to urethra
Prostate gland
Secretes fluid that combines with sperm to form semen
Allows excretion of urine and semen, but not at the same time
Passes urine out of the body and allows semen to pass into the vagina during sexual intercourse
Female reproductive system
Where egg cells (female gametes) are developed
Place where fertilization takes place, connects ovary to uterus, lined with ciliated cells to push released ovum down
Place where the fetus develops
Ring of muscle that keeps the fetus in place during pregnancy
Entry point for the penis
Fusion of nuclei from male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (egg cell)
Has a flagellum/tail to swim towards egg, has mitochondria for energy, has enzymes in acrosome to break down egg's protective layer
Egg cell
Has energy stores in cytoplasm, has a jelly coat that changes at fertilization to prevent multiple sperm from entering
Fertilization and early development
Sperm enters oviduct, fertilizes egg to form zygote, zygote travels to uterus, forms embryo that implants in uterine lining, embryo develops into fetus
Develops during pregnancy, attaches to uterine wall, acts as interface between mother's blood and fetus, provides oxygen and nutrients, removes waste
Umbilical cord
Connects fetus to placenta, provides oxygen and nutrients from mother, removes waste to mother's blood
Amniotic sac and fluid
Surrounds and protects developing fetus, cushions and supports fetus, helps regulate temperature
Hormone responsible for development of secondary sexual characteristics in males during puberty
Hormone responsible for development of secondary sexual characteristics in females during puberty
Menstrual cycle
Ovaries release egg every 28 days, uterus lining thickens, if egg not fertilized lining breaks down and is passed out (menstruation)
Produced by ovaries, stimulates growth of uterus lining, causes follicle containing egg to mature, decreases FSH production
Produced by ovaries, helps maintain thick uterus lining, decreases FSH production, drop causes menstruation
Produced by pituitary gland, causes follicle containing egg to develop and mature, stimulates ovaries to release estrogen
Produced by pituitary gland, triggers ovulation, stimulates progesterone production in ovaries
Estrogen and progesterone levels during menstrual cycle
Low during menstruation, estrogen increases to thicken uterus lining, progesterone increases after ovulation to maintain lining, drop causes menstruation
FSH and LH levels during menstrual cycle
FSH increases to stimulate follicle growth, LH surges to trigger ovulation, then decreases while FSH remains stable
Sexually transmitted infection (STI)
Infection transmitted through sexual contact
Pathogen that causes AIDS by attacking and weakening the immune system
Transmission of HIV
1. Unprotected sexual intercourse
2. Sharing needles
3. Blood transfusions
4. Mother to child (placenta, breastfeeding)
Control of STI spread
Limiting sexual partners<|>Using condoms<|>Getting tested<|>Abstinence if infected<|>Using sterilized needles