A data type based on an existing data type or other data types that have been defined by a programmer
Non-composite data type
A data type that does not reference any other data types
Examples of non-composite data types
Enumerated data type
A user-defined non-composite data type with an ordered list of all possible values
Pointer data type
A user-defined non-composite data type used to reference a memory location
A given list of unordered elements that can use set theory operations such as intersection and union
User Defined Datatype
Constructed by the programmer
Derived from one or more datatypes
Used to extend built in datatypes
Created data types specific to programs
Purpose of User Defined Datatype
To extend flexibility of a program
To create new datatype from existing datatypes, or two create a new datatype that meets requirements of program
No suitable datatype available in programming language
Enumerated data type
Contains no references to other data types when it is defined<|>Every single possible value for it is identified<|>The values defined in an enumerated data type are ordinal, meaning they have an implied order
Pointer data type
Needs to have information about the type of data that will be stored in the memory location
Composite data types
Indexed Collection of items with same data type
Indexed Collection of items that can have different data types
Collection of related data items which may have different data types
Stores finite number of different values that have no order<|>Supports mechanical operations
Set data type
Collection of non-duplicate members, which are unordered and unindexed
Items are unordered and cannot be accessed with any index
Items are unchangeable, but new items can be added
Removes any duplicate members
Set operations
Checking if a value exists in a set
Adding a value
Removing an existing value
Set mathematical operations like union and intersection
Existing member (values) can't be altered
A composite data type that includes variables of given data types and methods (code routines that can be run by an object in that class)
Properties set to private
To ensure properties can only be accessed by the class's own methods<|>To ensure they're hidden and encapsulated
Serial file organisation
1. Records of data are physically stored in a file, one after another, in the order they were added to the file
2. Data is appended to the end of file
3. Stored in chronological order
Serial file organisation
Used for temporary files storing transactions to be made to more permanent files
Useful for simple data sets and configuration files
Unsorted transaction files
Text files
Mostly used for temporary files before moving data to permanent files
Deleting records in a serial file
Creates a gap
Can be encountered by copying the records except the one flagged for deletion into a new file, then replacing the old file with the new file
Changing records in a serial file
Data cannot be changed without creating a new file, copying all the data across to the new file, and inserting the change at the appropriate point
Searching records in a serial file
Start from the beginning of the file and search until the end
Sequential file organisation
1. Records of data are physically stored in a file, one after another, in a given order
2. Data is stored in order of a key field which uniquely identifies a record
3. Can be stored in ascending or descending order
Sequential file organisation
Used for payroll processing
Used for processing of grades
Inserting records in a sequential file
Copy the records up to the point where the new record needs to be inserted, insert the new record, then copy the remainder of the file
Random file organisation
1. Records of data are physically stored in a file in any available position
2. The location of any record in the file is found by using a hashing algorithm on the key field of a record
Random file organisation
Makes adding and removing data simpler
Hashing algorithm
A mathematical formula used to perform a calculation on the key field of the record, the result of which gives the address where the record should be found
Sequential access
A method of file access in which records are searched one after another from the physical start of the file until the required record is found
Direct access
A method of file access in which a record can be physically found in a file without physically reading other records
When to use serial files
Data added to end of file
Stored chronologically
No need for sorting usually
If smaller file then it'll take less time for searching
When to use sequential files
Each customer has a unique account number
Sorted on account number
High hit rate
When to use random files
Fast data access
Low hit rate
No need to search through all records
Sequential access for serial files
1. Every record needs to be checked until the required record is found or the whole file has been searched
2. New records are appended to the end of the file
Sequential access for sequential files
1. Every record needs to be checked until the record is found or the key field of the current record being checked is greater than the key field of the record being searched for
2. New records are inserted in the correct place in the file
Serial file
Every record needs to be checked until the record is found or the whole file has been searched and that record has not been found<|>Any new records are appended to the end of the file
Sequential file
Every record needs to be checked until the record is found or the key field of the current record being checked is greater than the key field of the record being searched for<|>The rest of the file does not need to be searched as the records are sorted on ascending key field values<|>Any new records to be stored are inserted in the correct place in the file
Programs such as monthly billing or payroll system have a high hit rate during the processing as nearly every record is used when the program is run