to see how infants of 9-18 months behave under mild anxiety and novelty.
What does a insecure resistant baby look like?
high levels of proximity seeking, not lots of exploration
high levels of stranger anxiety
resist comfort when reunited with caregiver.
What does a insecure avoidant baby look like?
explore freely but dont' seek rpoximity or show secure base.
little stranger anxiety
little effort to make contact when caregiver returns
What does a securely attached baby mean?
babies explore happily but regularly go back to caregiver(proximity seeking and secure base behaviour)
usually show moderate seperation distress and stranger anxiety.
accept comfort in reunion
Give the percentages of each attachment type of the infants in the study
B: secure: 66%
A; insecure resistant:22%
c: insecure avoidant:12%
What were the 4 main behaviours observed?
exploration behaviour
proximity seeking
stranger anxiety/seperation
reunion behaviour
What was the procedure?
9x9 foot space in a uncommon room marked into 16 squares to help monitoringIt was a controlled observation in which the child and the mother wereobserved interacting in 8 different scenarios (episodes). Controlledobservation set up in a lab. using a two way mirror whichAinsworth used to make her observations