Term 2
3) Management and leadership
1) Leadership styles
Created by
caleb coughlan
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Cards (9)
Distinguishing between management and leadership
Leads by inspiring and motivating employees.
Focuses on the vision and mission of the organisation.
Focuses on the potential of employees.
Influences the actions of employees.
Distinguishing between management and leadership
Manages processes by using their authority.
Focuses on organisation targets.
Focuses on the processes involved in the production process.
Controls the actions of employees.
Different leadership styles
leadership style
Involve employees in the decision-making process. The leader realises that there is power within the collective input of individuals.
Ensures the support of employees in decisions made by the leader.
Different leadership styles
leadership style
Does not involve employees in the decision-making process.
Employees told what to do and must execute the decisions of the leader without questioning his/ her decisions.
Different leadership styles
Free Reign
Delegates decision-making to employees that he/ she trusts.
Leader separates him
herself from the decision-making process and allows employees to make decisions in the best interest of the organisation.
Different leadership styles
leadership style
Uses his/ her personality and charm to influence behaviour and actions of employees.
Employees inspired by the energy and keenness of the charismatic leader.
Different leadership styles
leadership style
Uses rewards and punishments to drive employee towards business goals and targets.
Focuses on the performance of employees to measure their effectiveness in terms of the goals of the organisation.
Difference between the democratic leadership style and autocratic leadership style
leadership style
Invites employees to be part of the decision-making process.
Open communication between the leader and employees.
People-oriented, taking into consideration the opinions of employees.
Difference between the democratic leadership style and autocratic leadership style
leadership style
All decisions are taken by the leader alone - without employee involvement.
Employees are told what to do and how it must be done.
Task-orientated, with the focus on the result and not the employees.