Term 2
4) Investments: securities
2) The impact of the four forms of investment and shares
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caleb coughlan
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The impact of RSA Retail Savings Bonds/ Government Retail Bonds
South African Government offers its citizens the opportunity to invest in saving bonds as a strategy to encourage savings.
Two types of retail savings bonds named, fixed rate and inflation linked retail savings bonds.
The impact of RSA Retail Savings Bonds/ Government Retail Bonds
Investment is available to people from all income groups.
Investor receives interest payments twice a year from government.
Investor has free access to his investment and may withdraw cash after first year of investment.
Investors do not have the option of freely exchange retail bonds amongst themselves.
People younger than 18 do not have option of investing in this form of investment.
Investment type cannot be offered as form of security in return for loans from financial institutions.
The impact of unit trusts
Collection of investment options made up of shares in different companies.
Can be bought directly from accredited service providers.
The impact of unit trusts
Lowers the potential risk and allows more people to invest in the fund.
Amounts that may be invested each month varies from small amounts to big amounts.
Investors have free access to funds and may convert them to cash in event of an emergency.
Investment option is not suitable for investors who want to evade risks.
Investment option is not recommended to investors who want to invest for limited period.
Share prices, as rule, are subject to fluctuations, which may increase the risk of this type of investment.
The impact of shares
Shares of listed companies are traded on the JSE.
Shares give holder one vote per share and the right to receive a dividend.
Shares can be bought/ sold through stock brokers to whom a fee will be paid by the investor.
The impact of shares
The shares can be freely sold and purchased on the JSE.
Investors have voting rights at the Annual General Meetings of the public company.
Investors return on investment is based on financial performance of the company.
Investors must rely on the goodwill of the company to declare a dividend.
Value of dividends declared by the company is determined by the directors of the company.
Shareholders could lose their investment should the company be declared insolvent, making risk high.
The impact of fixed deposits
Very conservative method of investment at a fixed rate for a fixed period at financial institution/bank.
Money cannot be withdrawn during the period of the deposit.
The impact of shares
The return on investment of this type of investment is higher.
The duration of the investment period is determined solely by the investor.
Investors earn better return on investment than on an ordinary savings account.
Penalties may be charged for early withdrawal.
Return in investments may be lower than the general rate of inflation.
Investor doesn't have access to any funds invested until the end of the investment period.
Type of share
Ordinary shares
Ordinary shares only receive dividends when profit is made.
Normally the higher the net profit, the higher the dividend.
Shareholders have a right to vote at the Annual General Meeting/ AGM.
Type of share
Preference shares
A fixed rate of return is paid on this type of shares.
Some of these types of shares receive dividends regardless of whether a profit is made.
Voting rights are restricted to particular circumstances.
Type of share
Bonus shares
Payment in the form of shares to shareholders.
Issued as compensation for unpaid dividends.
Shareholders will own more shares and collect more dividends in the future.
Type of share
Founders shares
Issued to the founders and incorporators of the company.
Receive dividends after all other shareholders were paid.
Types of preference shares
Participating preference shares
Investor is certain of receiving a minimum fixed dividend from the company.
Any surplus profit the company may have made must be shared with the investor.
Investor entitled to receive higher dividend payment if the company makes a higher profit.
Types of preference shares
Non-participating preference shares/ Ordinary preference shares
Do not share in any surplus profit the company may have made.
Investor is certain of receiving a minimum fixed dividend from the company.
Investor not entitled to receive higher dividend payments if the company makes a higher profit.
Types of preference shares
Cumulative preference shares
Investors receive payments for past dividends that were not paid out because of poor financial performance by the company.
Types of preference shares
Non-cumulative preference shares
Investors will not receive payments for past dividends that were not paid out because of poor financial performance by the company.
Types of preference shares
Redeemable preference shares
Investors can sell the shares back to the company they bought from at fixed price should the company desire.
Types of preference shares
Non-redeemable preference shares
Investors can sell the shares back to the company they bought them should the company close down for reasons other than bankruptcy.
Types of preference shares
Convertible preference shares
Investor can convert shares into fixed number of ordinary shares on future date determined on the date the shares were issued.
Types of preference shares
Non-convertible preference shares
Investor can convert the shares into fixed number of ordinary shares.