Information from various sources

Cards (11)

  • Information - are facts provided or learned about something or someone
  • Primary source - original document/source that provides direct evidence on the subject matter
  • Secondary source - an account based on primary sources
  • Secondary source - information based on primary sources, such as books, articles, etc.
  • Tertiary source - summarizes secondary sources to present an overview of a particular topic
  • Tertiary source - summarizes secondary sources to present information on a particular topic
    • listening
    • reading
    • interviews
    • questioning
    • questionnaires
    • observation
    • study of excisting reports
  • Newsreport - are found in the newspaper, television or radio. Which aim to inform the readers of what is happening in the world around them.
  • Speech - refers to the format address or discourse delivered to an audience
  • Informative Talks - tend to educate the audience on a particular topic
  • Panel Discussion - is a live or virtual discussion about specific topic amongst a selected group of panelist who share differing perspectives in front of a large audience.