Cards (7)

    • Hitler pursued an expansionist policy to increase German territory
    • Establish a Greater Germany: Build up G army and unite all lands and people that used to belong to G. Bring G back to its old glory as a huge empire.
    • Create Lebensraum: Germans needed more room to live and prosper. Hitler believed Central and Eastern Europe was meant for this
    • Establish Superior Aryan race: Aryans deserve to rule over inferior races. Planned to exterminate the Jews.
    • Destroy Communism: Believed it was a threat to G. Strengthen desire to conquer and destroy Russia.
    • At the World Disarmament Conference, Hitler proposed that the French disarm to Germany’s level
    • France objected and Hitler claimed Germany had been treated unfairly.
    • Used this as an excuse to withdraw from both the LON and the conference
    • Leaving the LON allowed Germany to embark on remilitarisation.
    • Germany’s withdrawal from the LON also undermined the authority of the LON as they did nothing about it.
    • Embarked on rearmament and conscription programmes in secret
    • By 1935: Possessed 2,500 plane Luftwaffe and 300,000 strong army
    • Introduced compulsory conscription
    • LON only made verbal protests. To limit German expansion, Britain signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement with Germany, which states Germany would only build up their navy to 1/3 of Britain’s.
    • Hitler managed to build Germany into a formidable and dangerous military power.
    • Germany was prepared and had resources for military conquest.
    • Hitler’s popularity and prestige grew in Germany.

    • The Saar was a resource-rich area in Germany that had been run by the LON since 1919.
    • Hitler wanted to reclaim it and conducted a plebiscite (a vote) among the Saar residents.
    • 90% of the people voted to rejoin Germany.
    • Reactions from the Allies: No response was taken since the plebiscite results supported rejoining Germany.
    • Hitler grew in prestige and popularity among the Germans who were happy forthe Saar to return to Germany.

    • Hitler determined to remilitarise the Rhineland
    • Hitler used the Franco-Soviet Alliance as an excuse, saying that G was under threat.
    • 7 March 1936, German troops marched into the Rhineland unopposed
    • French did not do anything as an election was coming up. Did not want to act without support of British, who was preoccupied with Abyssinian crisis. LON condemned Hitler’s actions, but did nothing else. Made Hitler bolder about continuing aggressive actions and going against TOV
    • Demonstrated the weakness of LON

    • A civil war broke out in Spain between Republican government and Nationalist rebels
    • Hitler sent military help to Nationalists, contributed to their victory
    • Opportunity to test army & air force, gain valuable fighting experience.
    • Hitler seen as a defender of civilization against communism
    • LON took no action as they saw Hitler’s actions as justified, and looked favourably on Hitler as ally against Communism
    • Strengthened Hitler’s view that Britain/France were weak.
    • Hitler became more aggressive and ambitious in achieving his expansionist aims
    • Hitler signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan in 1936
    • They also agreed not to sign any treaties with USSR.
    • In 1937, Italy also signed the Anti-Comintern Pact.
    • The new alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan was known as the Axis Alliance.
    • LON took no action as Britain and France were also against Communism. The Alliance made Germany more confident as Hitler knew there were other countries who shared his ambitions.