Chap 5.1

Cards (9)

  • Boiling point of pure water
  • Freezing point of pure water
  • Physical characteristics of pure water
    • Colourless
    • Density = 1 g cm^-3
  • Effects of absorption and release of heat on the state of water
    1. Heat is absorbed: melting, evaporation/boiling
    2. Heat is released: condensation, freezing, sublimation
  • Composition of water
    Water is a compound which is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom
  • Determining the composition of elements in a water molecule
    Through electrolysis: oxygen gas produced at anode, hydrogen gas at cathode
  • Evaporation of water
    The process that happens at the surface of water that changes water to water vapour
  • Factors affecting the rate of evaporation
    • Humidity
    • Surrounding temperature
    • Exposed surface area of water
    • Movement of air
  • Applications of evaporation of water in daily life
    • Clothes hung on clothes lines dry faster
    • Sea salt is obtained from the evaporation of seawater
    • Seafood that is dried can be kept longer as microorganisms cannot survive without water