Chap 5.3

Cards (9)

  • What is the first method listed for water purification?
  • What is the second method listed for water purification?
  • What is the third method listed for water purification?
  • What is the fourth method listed for water purification?
  • What are the main steps in the water purification process?
    1. Filtration
    2. Oxidation
    3. Coagulation
    4. Sedimentation
    5. Filtration
    6. Chlorination and fluoridation
  • What are the two types of waste mentioned in relation to water pollution?
    Domestic Waste and Industrial Waste
  • What is one source of water pollutants mentioned?
    Chemicals in agriculture
  • What is another source of water pollutants mentioned?
    Oil spillage
  • What are some ways to overcome water pollution?
    • Upgrade sewerage systems nationwide
    • Enforce laws
    • Educate farmers to use biodegradable fertilizers
    • Improve air surveillance with the cooperation of Air Police Unit