Religon with northumberland

Cards (23)

  • Aims
    • Protestant change - he had protestant leaning, want clear cut religion
    • Sought to plunder the church for more wealth- needed to fund foreign policy
  • Why did it become more radical
    1. Number of influences
    2. Cranmer became more radical in his impact
    3. More radical senior clergy - John Hooper became bishop of gloucester
    4. Continental reformers moved to england (Martin Bucer and peter martyr)
    5. Radical zwinglian( switzerland) views had largest influence on English church during edward's reign
    6. Edward himself =more influence on policy- making progress
  • Ranking of influence
    • Reformers
    • Edward
    • Clergy
    • Cranmer
    • Zwingli
  • Treason act- January 1552
    Made an offence to question the royal supremacy or beliefs of the english church
  • Act of uniformity- april 1552
    Have to go to church<|>Influenced by protestant church<|>Consistency
  • April 1552- Revised book of common prayer
    1. Removal of conservative (catholic) ceremonies
    2. Some were rewritten - baptism,confirmation and burial services were rewritten
    3. Removed any suggestion of exorcism or the use of consecrated oil
    4. Radical reform of communion service- should use ordinary bread
    5. Wording was clearer to move away from catholicism - 'take and eat this in remembrance that christ died for thee, and feed on him in they heart by faith and thanksgiving'
    6. Banned popish(pope) vestments they were seen as superstitious
    7. Restriction on church music. Moderate protestant = saw music as a distraction. Radical protestant= church music as idolatry (worshiping something they shouldn't)
  • 1553 alters
    Communion tables replaced altars
  • June 1553- 42 articles of religion

    1. Discouraged: Purgatory
    2. Pardons
    3. Worshipping and adoration of images and relics
    4. Invocation of saints
    5. Transubstantiation
  • July 1553
    Gold and silver plates removed
  • Impact on liturgy was huge
  • Masses and sermons seemed to favour protestantism
  • Enthusiasm near london
  • Land owners
  • Ordinary people sustained attack on their religious experience
  • Familiarity had been taken away
  • Holy days limited to 25
  • Churchwardens accounts suggest that the crown's order regarding destruction of catholic people

    Got less money as they were less likely to get money from wills so the church goods decline as they don't have the money to spend
  • Evidence of wills debate
  • Hauge: as people were less likely to leave money for their parish church is causes a crisis in parish church 'as services became plainer, plays and ales were suppressed guilds and special funds were abolished so churches attracted less affection- and less money
  • Decline in number of application to become members of the clergy
  • In 1550 radical john hooper admitted that the pace of reformed was hampered by uncooperative public opinion
  • The crisis was made worse by fear of a crown attack on church plate
  • Haighs: in 1540-1546 70% of northern wills left money to parish church but only 32% in edward reign