
Cards (21)

  • Def (n.): a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.
    • “There was a ___ in the party. It was so loud, then it went quiet.”
  • Def (adj.): (especially of a defendant's behavior) stubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority.
    • “The ___ criminal continued to be impish.”
  • Def (n.): a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them; materialist 
    • “He is a ___ who deprecates the history of artifacts.”
  • Def (adj.):  hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts; tasteless, uncultured 
    • “His ___ lifestyle explains why he bought the most expensive paintings without knowing their history.”
  • Def (n.): amusement, especially as expressed in laughter; great joy 
    • “Her outfit caused great ___ among the group of opulent women.”
  • Def (n.):  a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one.
    • “He careened off the ___ of the mountain.”
  • Def (adj.): eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
    • “He was ___ after Martha offended his masculinity.”
  • Def (v.): to appease someone or make them happy by doing a particular thing
    • “After lying to her, Martin tried to ___ by buying her all the flowers at the farmer’s market.”
  • Def (n.): a spoken curse.
    • “After his parents vituperated him, Augustin whispered ___.”
  • Def (n.):  an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit.
    • “The Diana Award is the greatest ___ a high school student can win.”
  • Def (v.): diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).
    • “Seeing her eat like before ___ my worries about her eating disorder.”
  • Def (v.): relieve or alleviate (pain or hunger).
    • “We ate almonds to ___ our voracious hunger.”
  • Def (v.): interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
    • “He ___ a narrative that everyone believed.”
  • Def (v.): abandon or mitigate a harsh intention or cruel treatment; back down; change one’s mind 
    • “He had planned to kill her but ___ after all.”
  • Def (v.): (especially of bad weather) become less severe or intense; ease off; relax, abate 
    • “The storm ___ after 2 hours.”
  • Def (v.): reprimand or censure (someone); to express disapproval or criticism of someone’s actions or behavior 
    • “His family ___ his licentious nature.”
  • Def (adj.): no longer produced or used; out of date.
    • “AI will render many jobs ___.”
  • Def (v.):  strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
    • “Her mother ___ her daughter to help out her brother.”
  • Def (v.): to construct or finish (a road) by compacting into a solid mass a layer of small broken stone on a convex well-drained roadbed and using a binder (such as cement or asphalt) for the mass.
    • “The city workers ___ the path to the building.” 
  • Def (n.): an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect; paradise
    • “Joséphine delved into ___ in her dreams, which often woke her up from her slumber.”
  • Def (adj.): having, containing, or producing the sound of or a sound resembling that of the s or the sh in sash; making a hissing sound 
    • “She spoke in a ___ language.”