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Cards (31)

  • Saint John Baptist de La Salle: 'invites us to look at the world with the eyes of faith in such a way that we can say that the two Lasallian places of encounter with God are REALITY and the WORD OF GOD'
  • Zeal
    A passionate commitment to realize God's will which, in Lasallian terms, is the integral liberation and salvation of all, especially the youth and the poor
  • In De La Salle's thinking, faith and zeal are inseparable, two dimensions of one spirit
  • Communion
    Recalls the dynamic of association by which the first Brothers bonded together for the sake of the particular mission entrusted to them by God<|>Has four dimensions: as a relationship with God, as a way of accomplishing mission, as a way of relating to others, as a goal of mission
  • The Lasallian educational mission is grounded in the Lasallian core values
  • The Lasallian Educational Mission encompasses concern, capacity, care that was experienced in the Lasallian story and is being experienced in our context
  • Aspects of integral liberation
    • Personal liberation
    • Spiritual liberation
    • Social-political liberation
    • Cosmic liberation
  • Saint John Baptist de La Salle: 'The two Lasallian places of encounter with God are REALITY and the WORD OF GOD. De La Salle always looked upon everything with a contemplative view of reality, a double view, if you will. On the one hand, there is God's saving plan, discovered in his Word and in prayer; on the other hand, there is the historic view of the abandonment of the children of artisans and the poor. Both views have the same goal: to put the means of salvation within the reach of young people who are far from it.'
  • Capacity to address a concern
    • Flows inside out
    • May start with a simple capacity which is enriched by one's creativity
  • St. John Baptist de La Salle cultivated his faith to complement his Zeal for the Integral Salvation of All
  • Lasallian spirituality
    Spirit of Faith<|>Zeal for Service<|>Communion in Mission
  • Lasallians looking at experiences with the eyes of faith
    Realize that God's presence permeates all that we are and all that we do
  • Christian call to love
    Live our life in the way that Jesus lived<|>Live for a higher purpose<|>Stand for truth and justice<|>Build peaceful communities<|>Lay down our life for others
  • Lasallian achievement
    Inclusive of values that pertain to achieving truth, justice, and peace in the world<|>Helps us understand the world better<|>Form the right reflections based on what is true<|>Act for the good of all
  • Zeal
    Passionate commitment to realize God's will which, in Lasallian terms, is the integral liberation and salvation of all, especially the youth and the poor
  • St. La Salle changed the medium of instruction from Latin to the vernacular (French) to make education accessible especially to the poor boys of Rheims
  • Lasallian brothers in the Philippines encountered the calling to make Catholic education accessible to the then English-speaking population since most Catholic schools are still using Spanish and to realize a variety of poverty where "upper-class children also needed good moral and spiritual training"
  • The Leavening Project
    Seeks to gather all Lasallians from all walks of life to share a common dream to "encounter the peripheries not as a goal but as a starting point for the transformation of lives"
  • The Leavening Project
    Invites Lasallians to seek out our brothers and sisters and ask ourselves the same question that God asked Cain in Genesis: "Where is your brother?"
  • The Leavening Project
    Seeks to move the Lasallian Family to "make the peripheries our place"<|>A theological and epistemological place where we could reflect and think about who we are, for whom we are, to whom we belong, with whom we are, and what we are doing
  • The Leavening Project invites the Lasallian Family "to transform our inner life, to generate life by committing ourselves radically in our daily lives to the collective construction of a fraternal world that practices justice, peace, and care for our common home"
  • Lasallian education

    Commitment to student formation<|>Communion is the very fount, method, and goal of doing mission
  • St. John Baptist de La Salle and his companions: 'Discern God's call to service in the human and spiritual distress of the poor and abandoned children. As a concrete response to this divine call, they associated together to conduct schools that would make the benefits of a quality human and Christian education accessible to the poor. By giving visible and effective expression to the creative and redemptive love of God for young people, such schools became ''signs of God's Kingdom and instruments of salvation.'''
  • Lasallian Family
    Men and women of diverse backgrounds and gifts, who, in creative fidelity to De La Salle's vision, commit themselves to making the benefits of a transformative human and Christian education available to all, most especially to the poor
  • Communion in mission
    Relationship with God, the source of all mission and ministry<|>Way of accomplishing mission, suggesting the solidarity and collaboration that comes from sharing in one vision, one spirit and one mission

    Way of relating to others, suggesting openness to all persons and the desire to be brother or sister to all especially those in need

    Goal of mission, suggesting the unity that comes through reconciliation between God, human beings and creation
  • St. La Salle worked with the poor who became his pupils and a part of his family. He worked with those without a job, who became his teachers, and his brothers
  • Integral human development
    Development of the whole person in communion with others and with the whole of creation<|>Embraces the physical, intellectual, affective, imaginative, moral-spiritual and social-relational dimensions of human existence
  • Personal liberation
    Freedom from human ignorance, immaturity and psychological impediments for mature self-possession, self-commitment and self-giving
  • Spiritual liberation
    Freedom from the alienation of sin and religious ignorance for the life of virtue in communion with God and others
  • Social-political liberation

    Freedom from unjust and dehumanizing structures and social arrangements for participation in social arrangements that facilitate respect for human dignity and solidarity
  • Cosmic liberation
    Freedom from destructive ways of relating to creation for modes of relationship that respect the harmony and integrity of all created things