Assigning workers additional same-level activities, thus increasing the number of activities they perform.
Job Rotation
Systematically moving workers from one job to another.
Frederick Herzberg
Psychologist, argued that the best way to motivate workers is to build opportunities for challenge and achievement into their jobs via job enrichment.
Job Enrichment
Redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achievement, growth, and recognition.
Flatter Organizations
Instead of traditional pyramid-shaped organizations with seven or more management layers, flat organizations with just three or four levels are becoming more prevalent.
Work Teams
Managers increasingly organize tasks around teams and processes rather than around specialized functions.
Boundaryless Organization
Organization marked by the widespread use of teams and similar structural mechanisms that reduce and make more permeable the boundaries that typically separate departments
The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.