2) Stages of team development

Cards (6)

  • Forming
    • First stage of team development which team members are introduced to one another.
    • Team members shows mutual respect, and they feel comfortable.
  • Storming
    • May be power struggles for the position of team leader.
    • Conflict occurs among team member after forming stage is concluded.
    • Team members with different ideas exchange these ideas, which leads to conflict.
  • Norming/ Reconciliation/ Settling
    • Individual team members collectively work towards goals of the team.
    • Team members come to agreement and reach consensus.
    • Duties and responsibilities of all team members are set out and agreed to.
  • Performing/ Working as a team towards a goal
    • Team members are aware of strategies and aims of the team.
    • Leaders delegate and oversee the processes and procedures.
    • Leader trusts the team and avoids interfering in operations of the team.
  • Adjourning/ Mourning
    • Focus is on completion of task/ ending the project.
    • All tasks must be completed before team finally breaks up and individual members go their separate ways.
  • The importance of team dynamic theories in improving team performance
    • Team dynamic theories used to explain effectiveness and importance of teamwork.
    • The skills/ experiences of team members determines role that will allocated to them.
    • Individuals are given chance to perform optimally within the team, given roles allocated to them.