Term 2
6) Team performance and conflict management
4) Correct procedures to deal with grievances in workplace
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caleb coughlan
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The following procedures may be followed to deal with grievances in the workplace:
Supervisor must resolve grievance within 3-5 working days.
Complainant must verbally report grievance to supervisor.
Manager must invite all parties of grievance to a meeting.
Types of personality and strategies to deal with difficult personalities
Listen to complaints but don't acknowledge them by nodding head.
Interrupt complainer after a while and proceed with strategies to deal with issues raised.
Types of personality and strategies to deal with difficult personalities
Suggest alternative approaches and guide the employee through alternatives.
Assist employee with decisions and affirm the employee.
Types of personality and strategies to deal with difficult personalities
Be firm with employee and don't allow him/ her to let them make promise that they cannot keep.
Monitor progress of duties assigned to employee.
Types of personality and strategies to deal with difficult personalities
Listen to employee, but do not agree with him/ her.
Allow employee to express his/ her views, but do not own their negativity.
Types of personality and strategies to deal with difficult personalities
Listen to employee but let him/ her know that you are in control of situation.
Refrain from attacking their views, as this will lead to confrontation with him/ her.
Types of personality and strategies to deal with difficult personalities
Give employee sufficient time to express his/ her views on the issues.
Affirm employee by acknowledging inputs provided.
Types of personality and strategies to deal with difficult personalities
Provide employee with sufficient time to express himself/ herself.
Protect other employees from being intimidated by employee.
Ways of dealing with difficult employees
State purpose of meeting to ease any fear that employee may have.
Assist difficult employee about being realistic about changes in his behaviour.
Be specific about behaviour of employee that's deemed to be unacceptable.