Originates from medial epicondyle of humerus and superior border of ulna, inserts on pisiform, hamate, and base of 5th metacarpal, flexes and ulnarly deviates the wrist, innervated by median nerve
Originates from medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna, anterior surface of radius, inserts on middle phalanx of each finger, flexes phalanx of each finger at PIP joint, MCP joint, and wrist joint, innervated by median nerve
Originates from anterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane, inserts on base of distal phalanx of thumb, flexes distal phalanx of thumb at IP joint, innervated by median nerve
Originates from anterior medial surface of body of ulna, inserts on base of distal phalanx of each finger, flexes distal and middle phalanges of each finger at IP joints and proximal phalanx at MCP joints, and wrist, innervated by median and ulnar nerve
Originates from lateral epicondyle of humerus, inserts on distal and middle phalanges of each finger, extends distal and middle phalanges of each finger at IP joints, proximal phalanges at MCP joints, and wrist, innervated by radial nerve
Originates from lateral epicondyle of humerus, inserts on tendon of extensor digitorum on fifth phalanx, extends proximal phalanx of little finger at MCP joint and extend wrist joint, innervated by deep radial nerve
Originates from lateral epicondyle of humerus and posterior border of ulna, inserts on fifth metacarpal, extends and ulna deviates the wrist, innervated by deep radial nerve
Originates from posterior surface of middle of radius and ulna and interosseous membrane, inserts on first metacarpal, abducts and extends thumb at CMC joints and abducts hand at wrist joint, innervated by deep radial nerve
Originates from posterior surface of middle of radius and interosseous membrane, inserts on base of proximal phalanx of thumb, extends proximal phalanx of thumb at MCPJ, 1st MCP of thumb at CMCJ and wrist, innervated by deep radial nerve
Originates from posterior surface of middle of radius and interosseous membrane, inserts on base of distal phalanx of thumb, extends distal phalanx of thumb at IPJ, 1st MCP of thumb at CMCJ and wrist, innervated by deep radial nerve
Originates from posterior surface of ulna, inserts on tendon extensor, digitorum of index finger, extends distal and middle phalanges of index finger at IPJ, proximal phalanx of index finger at MCPJ, and wrist, innervated by deep radial nerve
Originates from flexor retinaculum, scaphoid, and trapezium, inserts on lateral side of proximal phalanx of thumb, abducts thumb at CMC joint, innervated by median nerve
Originates from flexor retinaculum, and trapezium, inserts on lateral side of 1st metacarpal of thumb, opposes thumb at CMCJ, innervated by median nerve
Originates from flexor retinaculum, trapezium, capitate, trapezoid, inserts on lateral side of proximal phalanx of thumb, flexes thumb at CMCJ and MCPJ, innervated by ulnar nerve
Originates from capitate and 2nd and 3rd metacarpals; transverse head; 3rd metacarpal, inserts on medial side of proximal phalanx of thumb, adducts thumb at CMCJ and MCPJ, innervated by ulnar nerve